Monday, April 30, 2007

MoD Report says UFOs Do Not Exist in the UK- Some British Pilots and Military Members Might Disagree

According to a once secret report released by the British Ministry of Defense in April of 2007, UFOs are not anything to get excited about. The MoD report claims that all the incidents they have investigated show the objects in question to be without mass, no danger to air traffic and not under intelligent control. Despite the four hundred pages of nay saying, not everyone agrees.

For almost two decades, a number of British Intelligence Analysts and former UK Military consultants working for the MoD have leaked documents which reveal that UFOs are intelligently-controlled vehicles of extra-terrestrial origin. The MoD leaks, recent reports that former Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin saw a UFO from his aircraft in 2004 and statements from other Canadian officials which indicate UFOs are alien spacecraft may be the reason for this latest piece of disinformation.

While the MoD may believe that there is nothing to this whole UFO thing, they might have considered checking with at least two UK Commercial Airline Pilots that recent saw one. Captain Ray Bowyer, 50, of Aurigny Airlines, spotted a "bright-yellow light" 10 miles west of Alderney at about 3pm during a flight from Southampton while his aircraft was 30 miles from the island at 4,000 feet on Monday, April 23, 2007.

Captain Bowyer: "It was a very sharp, thin yellow object with a green area. It was 2,000ft up and stationary. I thought it was about 10 miles away, although I later realized it was approximately 40 miles from us. At first, I thought it was the size of a [Boeing] 737.
"But it must have been much bigger because of how far away it was. It could have been as much as a mile wide."

While on approach to Guernsey, Bowyer noticed a "second identical object further to the west". He said: "It was exactly the same but looked smaller because it was further away. It was closer to Guernsey. I can't explain it. At first, I thought it might have been a reflection from a vinery in Guernsey, but that would have disappeared quickly. This was clearly visual for about nine minutes. As I got closer to it, it became clear to me that it was tangible. I was in two minds about going towards it to have a closer look but decided against it because of the size of it. I had to think of the safety of the passengers first. I'm certainly not saying that it was something of another world. All I'm saying is that I have never seen anything like it before in all my years of flying."

Bowyer reported the incident to Paul Kelly, 31, an Air Traffic Controller on duty. Kelly indicated that nothing appeared on his radar. However, ATC Paul Kelly received a "similar report" from a Blue Islands pilot en route to Jersey at the same time. Kelly explained that as the pilot went past Sark he "described an object behind him to his left". Kelly continued: "The description was very similar to Captain Bowyer's and they described it as being in exactly the same place. But they were looking at it from opposite sides." The other pilot said that the UFO was 1,550 feet lower than his aircraft, which was at 3,500ft. "Both pilots placed it at the same altitude", Kelly added.

In 1987, I published a phone interview that I did with an official for the British Ministry of Defense in The New York UFO Report. The official was an assistant to a person involved with nuclear investigations. Because I knew the person which arranged the phone interview very well, there was no doubt that I was speaking with a very important source of insider information when it came to the MoD.

The official told me that there were numerous incursions into areas where nuclear weapons and other sensitive materials were stored. These incursions involved unidentified aircraft and physical beings of unknown origin. He refused to elaborate about the beings fearing that any further descriptions might help identify him. According to him, general stories about the creatures and crafts that made the incursions were common knowledge to many in the MoD. Recent statements by Nick Pope may have helped to validate those stories.

In November of 2006, Nick Pope (the former head of the MoD UFO research project) told the British Press that his Country was vulnerable to invasion or infiltration by extra-terrestrial forces. Pope felt that the shutting down of UFO research at the MoD Directorate of Defense Security has left his nation unprepared to defend against Aliens. As a result, he resigned his position with the Directorate. On previous occasions he has stated that the MoD wasn't hiding anything from the British Public. I wonder how he feels now?

My own source at the MoD said that the organization was of two minds when it came to UFOs. Many UK Military Officers feel there is ample evidence to believe that Aliens exist and are visiting the Earth without respect for national boundaries or security. That makes them a national security concern. Others at the MoD believe the entire matter is without merit and should be ignored.

Time either heals all wounds or wounds all heals. In this case, time has been a friend to my source. Over the past twenty years since that interview with him, I have watched the UK Government split hairs over UFOs. When the UFO incident took place near the Bentwaters Base and NATO Facility in 1980, it was confirmation that UFOs are making incursions into security sensitive UK military facilities. The aftermath also revealed a clear split among military members and their hierarchy when it came to the subject of UFOs.

Officially, it seemed that no one was really sure what happened at Bentwaters. Everything from Light House Beacons to reflective tree bark was rolled out to explain away the incident. But most of the people on the ground when it happened seemed convinced this wasn't an ordinary event involving a conventional explanation. As with Roswell and hundreds of other cases involving military bases, aircraft, ships and UFOs, you had the choice of believing those who were there or people writing reports about it later to suit there own political and philosophical needs.

Even if you have spent just a few minutes researching UFOs and have an open mind, will not be fooled by the MoD Report. As with other self-serving documents like the 1997 Air Force Report on the Roswell Crash and the recent UFO files released by France, these papers are designed to create doubt and mask any other information government agencies possess about UFOs and Aliens.

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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Emergence Personality Theory - What Are Needs? (What is Layer 7?)

In Emergence Personality Theory, there are ten nested fractal layers of personality, from Layer one on the outside to Layer 10 at the center. Layer Seven is called the Layer of Needs. How is the word "need" defined?

As defined in Layer Seven, the word "need" refers to the urges babies feel from birth onward whenever they feel needy. Moreover, all these urges fall into just four fractal patterns of nested subsets; [1] the Four Character Types, [2] the Four Social Priorities, [3] the Four Decision Trees, and [4] the Four Gender Identities.

The inner most Need subset then, Character Type, defines a person's default sense of whether to give or receive or both. The next Need subset, a person's Social Priorities, defines the basic sense of what a person feels urges to give or receive. The third Need subset, a person's Decision Tree Order, determines the basic way in which peoples' minds process these urges to give or receive their Social Priorities. And the outer most Need subset, a person's Gender Identity, determines the degree of force with which this person feels urges to express this giving or receiving.

Expressed as a single sentence then with all four possible needs stated, we all need to give (or get), comfort (or neatness, or understanding, or freedom), precisely (or correctly, or comprehensively, or bluntly), with great (or little) physical force (and / or psychological force, and / or social force, and / or sexual force).

How then does does a person's Character Type affect his or her nature? My answer? All people feel internal urges to give or get or both. The thing is, people feel these urges only when they are experience the need to compete with someone else for these needs, a state known as being in a mutual need state. In these situations, people feel anxious about that both they and someone else have what they sense to be mutually exclusive needs. Mainly time wise, but sometimes need wise.

This means, when only one person feels needy, the other may give regardless of their Character Type. And when two people are connected, there Character Types cease to exist as they do not feel needy.

This said, there are four basic Character Types and two ways in which to refer to each of these four basic types; [1] by the number year of life in which this pattern naturally occurs ( as in, year One, Two, Three, and Four), and [2] by the direction in which people feel urges to meet these needs, in other words, to whom they feel urges to give to (to "Me," to "You," to "Me then You," and to "You then Me.")

Know too that people experience their normal Character Type only when they are in normal state of conscious. Thus when they are in shock, peoples' Character Type "inverts." This means there are also four "Inverted" Character Types, and people feel these four states more forcefully, as in they feel these urges to give or get under duress.

How does this affect the four normal Character Types? Normally a Character Type "One"; a "Me," feels it right and certain that people should give to them. They simply expect others to defer to them. However, when life throws them a curve and their Character Type inverts, they feel urges to demand they be given to and will sometimes do things to force others to give to them.

Conversely, when a Character Type "Two"; a "You," feels normal neediness, they feel gentle urges to give to others. Imagine? When they feel needy, they feel urges to give to others. However, when they experience the inverted "You" state, they feel compelled to give to others and will force these gifts on people. Not too comfortable for the other person.

Threes and Fours then feel similar things, only the order in which they feel urges to give or get reverses. Thus a normal Character Type "Three"; a "Me then You," when inverted, feels compelled to first give to others followed by demanding that others reciprocate, while an inverted Character Type "four"; a "You then Me"; feels urges to demand others meet their needs followed by urges to force others to receive from them.

Finally, here are the basic points to know and remember about Character Types:

  • Character Type is the first difference in human personality. This difference contrasts markedly from the one sameness we humans all share; the Birth Separation Moment.
  • The essence of this first difference is whether you feel urges to meet your own needs or the needs of others. Thus there are two basic Character States; State One, urges to get (the "Me" State), and State Two, urges to give (the "You" State). These two states then sort out into the four Character Types. In other words, all four Character Types derive from some combination of one or both of these two Character States, the "Me" State and the "You" State.
  • By the latest age four, all people will have developed a fixed Character Type. In other words, by age four, all people will have has a permanent Character Type emerge in them, a default state of giving or receiving which will remain unchanged in them across their whole lifetime.
  • Despite this permanence however, some people will emerge from childhood stuck in an in between Character Type, and this amounts to being lost in transition between their real Character Type and the previous type. Thus some Three's can look like inverted fours. And some Two's can live as "Self Centered Two's"; a cross between One's and Two's. This can change across a person's lifetime and is mostly affected by personal growth.
  • People can experience their Character Types in two ways, in a normal state of consciousness and in various states of shock. In states of shock, peoples' Character Type inverts, similar to how kayaks sometimes invert in rough water and put their rider under water. The feeling of having an inverted Character Type is then similar to what kayak riders feel when their kayak inverts. Strong feelings of urgency and a reversed directional focus.
  • All people experience relationships in only one of two ways; [1] as a Parent - Child relationship and [2] as a Friend - Friend relationship. All Parent - Child relationships exist between people whose Character Type begins in opposite Character States. A "Me" with a "You" and so one. All Friend - Friend relationships exists between people whose Character Type begins in the same place; a Me" with a "Me" or a "You" with a "You."
  • All normal pairs of parents contain one parent who starts in a "Me" state, and one who starts in a "You" state. Thus, all children, during their first four years of life, potentially switch roles which their two parents. Thus, all babies begin life as "One's." Thus the "Me" state parent with bond best with the child at this age. Then, if and when this child moves into the second years of life state; "the You" state, the parent he feels friendship toward and the parent whom he feels parented by will reverse. In some cases then, these two parental roles, as the "parent" parent and the " friend" parent, can reverse several times.
  • Ultimately all children develop a relationship with one parent in a parental role and one in a friend role. This difference then is the source of many parenting difficulties. And confusion in children. Knowing this makes sense of why parent to parent compromises can be difficult.
  • In adulthood, all lasting sexual attraction will occur between people with Character Types beginning in opposite states. One person whose Character Type begins in a "Me" state and one person whose Character Type beings in a "You" state. This is the most primal version of the saying "opposites attract." This also explains why people can see someone they find someone who is "perfect in every way and yet, not feel sexually attracted to that person. In other words, if your Character Type starts in the same place, trying to fit together romantically will be like trying to fit a plug into a plug or a socket into a socket. It just can't be done.
  • This said, people who meet under strong duress, such as during wars and major catastrophes, may fall out of love when the dust settles. Or they may end up more friends than lovers. This can also happen to people who fall in love with someone whose childhood left them with an Inverted Character Type. Thus, if this person goes to therapy, the attraction and thus, the relationship may end.
  • This same dissolving of the relationship can happen to people in friend relationships. Thus, if a person experiences their teens with an unfinished Character Type, the friendships they make in high school may end soon afterwards. Sometimes in college when the person comes into her own. And sometimes after a crisis wherein she emerges more her own woman.
  • Finally, all these ideas hold true regardless of a person's sexual orientation. gay, straight, or bi, all these concepts play out in the same fractal patterns. Except when people are in Layers 10 or 9 (connected), or in Layer 8 (disconnecting), in which case, Character Types cease to exist.
[To read the rest of this article, click here]

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Friday, April 27, 2007

Flying Trucks of the Future

Are flying trucks really possible? And if so what on Earth would they look like? Believe it or not there are folks that study anti-gravity concepts and manipulation of the forces of nature trying to figure out such things as trying to build a flying car such as the one depicted in the Famous Hollywood Movie Back to the Future.

Remember when the Flying Delorean with the "Flux Capacitor" flew around in the movie? And all the cars flew too, all thru the Back to The Future II. Well what if all the semi trucks could fly and then they would not be blocking traffic? They would simply take-off and fly to where ever they had to deliver too?

Believe it or not there are some type scientists working on all this right now and they are getting very close to a major breakthrough perhaps this year? One gentleman, Bill Butler of and his team have been working on such theories and techniques for many years and come up with some plausible solutions to the challenge.

In fact, they have indeed built a few prototype models as well. In the eBook on page 34, from the Online Think Tank you will find some of the concepts that are potential feasible once science learns more: .

What I am saying is that although right now this is all science fiction fantasy, it might not be for long. You can bet that a Flying Truck would be a hot ticket and a must have for any Commercial Trucking Company and just think, you would have to get a Pilot's License instead of a Commercial Driver's License to drive-fly one.


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Can We Build an Aircraft with an Organic Wing?

Not long ago an interesting email came in to the Online Think Tank by a gentleman serious about building an organic winged aircraft. But could it actually be done with current technologies? Indeed, I have been thinking on this organic aircraft skin idea and well here it goes;

Grow Cells in a dish and then in huge sheets and layers, similar to growing skin for burn victims. Paste them onto Carbon nano-tube sheets with copper atoms inside of the nano-tubes. Coat the carbon nano-tube sheets with graphene on the outside. The Carbon Nano-Tube will be 30 layers thick.

On the inside are layers of organic cell in sheets pasted with dried or evaporated blood like they use in plywood, next a layer of porous spongy substance that will be soaked in needed nutrients and oxygen to keep the cells at their organic peak and very happy.

We then configure the resonance of the copper atoms in the nano-tubes to bounce at near Earth Frequency, pleasing to the genetic displacement of the organic cells. We allow the friction from the movement of the aircraft (remember it will be incredibly light-weight) to trade electrons with the air-flow over the wings/body of the aircraft, use that static electricity to bounce the copper atoms for power and the conductivity of the aircraft and morphing of the body as needed for various speeds of flight or hover.

We will also increase the air over the wings-body thru "eddy vortex flows" strategies by way of aerodynamic design stemming from protruding leading edge devices. We will then use the cells to connect to an organic brain of some type? Eagle, Mouse, human, Dolphin, Chimpanzee, etc for basic decisions.

The cells will have energy from the vibrational frequency to run LED circuits and systems and interact with the brain and organic system to morph as needed for flight. The aircraft will not only have organic components as part of its super structure, but in essence it will be alive in a way.

Using material memory strategies as the craft picks up in speed the shape will morph due to more electrical stimulation from the static electricity. So that is the concept in a nut shell, of course it is a lot more complicated than that, but this is a short article and that's it.


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Debris Found From 1947 Air Force Crash Adds To UFO Mystery

Wreckage from the first crash of an Air Force Aircraft on August 1, 1947 seems like something that only the military might be interested in. Or maybe not. Much of the original wreckage was left to rust in the forest and no recent attempts have been made to relocate or recover it by any branch of the Military. Instead, civilians have been looking for pieces from the crashed B-25 for years. That's because the crash site near Kelso, Washington, may contain material that's simply out of this world.

After ten years of searching, Jim Greer located pieces from the B25 in a ravine near Goble Creek east of Kelso. He has turned some of the material over to the Museum of Mysteries in Seattle. Their interest is in the paranormal aspects of the crash. That's because the aircraft was carrying two Officers that participated in the investigation of a Washington UFO incident and material from that investigation.

1947 is a memorable year for UFO enthusiasts. The saucer sightings by Kenneth Arnold in the State of Washington and UFO crash or crashes in New Mexico tend to dominate our attention. It's easy to forget that over 850 sightings of a credible nature were reported by U.S. Newspapers. These include amazing events alleged to have occurred near Maury Island in Washington. Real or imagined, those events and their aftermath reveal a stunning cover-up that has never been fully investigated or explained.

Harold Dahl, his son Charles, the family dog and two crew members were on a patrol boat looking for salvage logs in the Puget Sound on June 21, 1947. They were just off Maury Island (today called Vashon Island) when the UFO incident began. The group witnessed six 'donut-shaped' craft above their position. Harold said that the objects were about one hundred feet in diameter and had a 'bright metallic' appearance.

Five of the crafts were circling a sixth which Dahl said was 'wobbling' and seemed to be in distress. After some sort of an explosion, the sixth craft discharged a large quantity of debris. The debris resembled cooled volcanic lava, had an aluminum-like appearance and fell in the form of large flakes. These flakes hit and damaged their boat, injured Charles and killed the family dog. Afterward, all the objects rose rapidly into the sky and took off in the direction of the ocean.

Dahl headed to Maury Island where he stopped to assess the damage to his boat and take photos. Finding more debris, he collected it and then proceeded to Tacoma. After taking his son to the emergency room, Dahl reported the entire incident to Fred Crisman, the harbor patrol supervisor. Crisman didn't believe him, so he returned to the area on Maury Island which Dahl described.

Crisman found what seemed like tons of the strange material along the shoreline. While picking up some of it, he said that an object appeared and dropped more. Meanwhile, Dahl was visited by a "man in a dark suit" the next day. The man told Dahl that he saw something he was not supposed to see and warned him not to discuss it.

Just three days after the Maury Island incident, Kenneth Arnold reported seeing a formation of strange looking objects traveling at incredible speeds near Mount Rainer, Washington. Because Arnold was a former military aviator and well-respected private pilot, the press jumped all over his sighting. Arnold was later contacted by Ray Palmer, editor of Amazing Stories. The two discussed his sighting, became friends and forged a working relationship.

United Airlines Captain E. J. Smith was a friend of Kenneth Arnold, but initially skeptical of his sighting until he had one of his own. During a flight from Boise, Idaho, to Tacoma, Washington on July 4, 1947, Smith noticed a formation of saucer-shaped objects near his aircraft. They first appeared just after 9pm, then vanished and reappeared several times for over forty-five minutes. Captain Smith, Co-Pilot Ralph Stevens and Stewardess Marty Morrow all saw them.

The importance of the Arnold and Smith sightings cannot be stressed enough. These witnesses were experienced pilots, not starry-eyed civilians looking at something in the sky that a trained observer might immediately recognize as commonplace. That would make any opinions they had about the Maury Island UFO incident all the more important.

Their involvement began with a letter to Ray Palmer from Fred Crisman. Palmer quickly contacted Arnold and asked him to investigate the Maury Island story. Arnold agreed, but asked Smith to help. He also contacted the military and requested that they send investigators to be present during the initial interviews.

Arnold and Smith arrived in Tacoma and met with Harold Dahl at the Winthrop Hotel on July 31, 1947. Also present were a Captain Davidson and 1st Lt. Frank Brown. Crisman showed up with cereal boxes filled with material from the Island which he presented to the Military Officers. In a hurry to return to Hamilton Field for Air Force Inauguration Day, Davidson and Brown left the hotel just after midnight. Air Force Inauguration Day was the day that the Air Force officially became a separate branch of the military.

After the session with Dahl was completed, Arnold returned to his hotel room. He almost immediately received a call from Ted Morello, a United Press reporter. Morello seemed to know everything that went on in the hotel room where the impromptu investigative had taken place and wanted a comment about it. Arnold was upset and suspected a hidden microphone had been used to obtain the information. That wasn't the only surprise Arnold was to experience during the next twenty-four hours.

According to witnesses, Captain Davidson and Lt Brown boarded a B-25 with a box of material from their investigation and took off from McChord Field with two other crew members. Shortly afterward, their left engine caught fire and the fire fighting system malfunctioned. After ordering the other crew members to bail out, Davidson and Brown were trapped when the aircraft began to collapse around them. Both perished in the crash.

This was the very first crash of an Air Force plane because it happened on the day that the Air Force officially separated from the Army. It's ironic that the crash may have been directly linked to the UFO phenomenon. An article in the Tacoma Times claimed that the B-25 was shot down by a 20mm canon or sabotaged to keep the material salvaged from the Maury Island event from being examined at Fort Hamilton.

After the B-25 crash and the Men in Black incident involving Dahl, the two witnesses became concerned for the safety of their families. When Arnold and Smith came to view the boat that Dahl said was damaged by the falling debris, Captain Smith expressed some doubts. He felt that repairs on the vessel were inconsistent with the kind of damage that was originally reported.

Rather than explain that whole sections were replaced, Dahl simply told Smith that he was no longer going to cooperate with the investigation and just wanted to be left alone. Some reports say that the two witnesses admitted it was all a hoax, but neither Dahl or Crisman ever admitted making such statements. Another report said that the material Dahl and Crisman presented to the investigators was just worthless slag from a local smelter.

Apart from the fact that there was nothing in it for Dahl or Crisman to create a hoax and both had more to lose than gain, there is some evidence to support their side of the story:
- FBI Teletype from J. Edgar Hoover, 8/14/47: "It would also appear that Dahl and Crisman did not admit the hoax to the army officers…"

- Return Teletype to Hoover from Special Agent George Wilcox: "Please be advised that Dahl did not admit that his story was a hoax but only stated that if questioned by authorities he was going to say it was a hoax because he did not want any further trouble over the matter."

- In the January 1950 edition of FATE Magazine, Fred Crisman called allegations that he admitted the case was a hoax a "bald-faced lie."

- Neither Ray Palmer or Kenneth Arnold ever said the case was a hoax.

Even stranger were the events that occurred after the investigation by Arnold, Smith, Davidson and Brown:

- The crash of the B25 is surrounded by allegations of sabotage or downing by friendly fire.

- The crash of Kenneth Arnold's airplane under mysterious circumstances on August 3, 1947. He was almost killed and later claimed his aircraft had been sabotaged.

- The untimely and mysterious death of Paul Lance, the Tacoma Times Reporter who claimed that the B25 might have been purposely brought down by government operatives. He died two weeks after the article appeared in print. No actual cause of death could be determined.

- The sudden death of Ted Morrello, the United Press reporter who called Arnold just after the Dahl Meeting claiming full knowledge of the proceedings.

- The closing of The Tacoma Times which went out of business shortly after the article about the B25 was published.

Unlike most hoaxes, the Maury Island UFO incident is not unique among sighting or physical evidence cases. The scene originally described by Dahl has been repeated many times. Several objects are seen together, one crashes or is in distress and others assist. Strange material is ejected, dropped or simply deposited. The material can be metallic, fibrous or even biological. There are many reasons for anyone interested in UFOs to take a second look at this case. Including the military response to the crash.

Robert Davenport of Kelso, Washington, was one of the first people to view the B-25 crash site. He said that small fires were still burning due to all the unused fuel when he and a few others found the wreckage. When the military arrived they expelled everyone, sealed 150 acres around the crash site and took over the area for about a week. They used part of Davenport's land as a base camp.

Despite combing through debris and moving some larger pieces to an open field for further inspection, the bulk of the crash material was left behind. This seems strange for an investigation involving the very first crash of an Air Force plane. It appeared that they were more interested in looking for something in the aircraft than trying to determine the cause of the crash.

It's doubtful that the validity of the Maury Island UFO incident will ever be resolved to anyone's satisfaction. It's also unlikely that any of the material from that event will ever be recovered from the B-25 crash site. However, it's important to remember that Maury Island occurred before the Arnold sighting, before Roswell and is certainly surrounded by unusual circumstances and unresolved issues. Whether the actual sighting occurred or never happened, you have to be amazed by the response of the government within a government.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Orbs, Plasma Spheres and Bindus

The Physical-Etheric Nucleus

Each subtle body has a nucleus – which metaphysicists Charles Leadbeater and Annie Besant had described as a "permanent particle" almost a century ago. Leadbeater calls the nucleus of the higher etheric double a "physical-etheric atom". Information about the relevant subtle body is stored in this particle (its composition, frequency, structure and associative memories). In this way the experiences that the subtle body has gone through in this universe are stored or are linked to this nucleus – according to Leadbeater and Besant. The particle is analogous to DNA in the biomolecular body. DNA is referred to as a "bioparticle" in the medical literature and it stores or links vast amounts of information about a particular life-form. Hindu metaphysics describes these particles or nuclei as "bindus" and Tibetan yoga "drops".

The physical-etheric nucleus is transferred to higher energy bodies when the subtle body dies – serving the same purposes as a "black box" flight recorder in an airplane in preserving information about a particular life's experiences. This nucleus is also responsible for the life review in a near-death experience. According to Besant, the permanent particles are used to preserve within themselves as "powers of vibrations" (i.e. different frequencies and waveforms) the results of all experiences through which they have passed. By the end of one's life in the physical body, the permanent particle (or physical-etheric nucleus) would have stored up "innumerable powers of vibration" (i.e. a set of waveforms of different frequencies). The particle usually resides (probably in an electromagnetic well) around the heart region of the physical-biomolecular and lower physical-etheric body.

Plasma Spheres

Bohm, a leading expert in twentieth century plasma physics, observed in amazement that once electrons were in plasma, they stopped behaving like individuals and started behaving as if they were a part of a larger and interconnected whole. Although the individual movements of each electron appeared to be random, vast numbers of electrons were able to produce collective effects that were surprisingly well organized and appeared to behave like a life form. The plasma constantly regenerated itself and enclosed impurities in a wall in the same way that a biological organism, like the unicellular amoeba, might encase a foreign substance in a cyst. So amazed was Bohm by these life-like qualities that he later remarked that he frequently had the impression that the electron sea was "alive" and that plasma possesses some of the traits of living things.

David Cohen reported in the journal New Scientist that "plasma blobs" hint at a new form of life. In 2003 physicists, Erzilia lozneanu and Mircea Sanduloviciu, described in their research paper Minimal Cell System created in Laboratory by Self-Organization, how they created plasma spheres in the laboratory that can grow, replicate and communicate – fulfilling most of the traditional requirements for biological cells. They are convinced that these plasma spheres offer a radically new explanation of how life began and were precursors to biochemical evolution.

Each plasma sphere had a boundary made up of two layers – an outer layer of negatively charged electrons and an inner layer of positively charged ions. The researchers were quick to point out that a distinct boundary layer that confines and separates an object from its environment is an important characteristic of a living cell. Trapped inside the boundary was an inner nucleus of gas atoms – which was surrounded by a luminous sheet. An electric field was present between the boundary and nucleus, within which electrons are accelerated. The evolved sphere appears as a stable, self-confined, layered, luminous and nearly spherical body – much like the "orbs" described in the paranormal literature and discussed below.

Lozneanu and Sanduloviciu describe a rhythmic "inhalation" of the nucleus which mimics the breathing process of living systems and results in pulsations. The spheres could replicate by splitting into two. Under the right conditions they got bigger, taking up neutral argon atoms and splitting them into ions and electrons to replenish their boundary layers. Finally, they could communicate information by emitting electromagnetic energy, making the atoms within other spheres vibrate at a particular frequency. "This is no different from the vibrating diaphragm in a telephone which enables information to be communicated from one point to another," says Cohen. This gives plasma spheres an ability which would be described as telepathic if we did not know how electromagnetic waves worked.

According to Sanduloviciu, these plasma spheres were the first cells on Earth, arising within electric storms, and he believes that the emergence of such spheres is a prerequisite for the evolution of biochemical cells. He says that the cell-like spheres could be at the origin of other forms of life we have not yet considered. "There could be life out there, but not as we know it" he says. Indeed, according to plasma metaphysics, the subtle bodies and orbs (described in the metaphysical and paranormal literature) are plasma-based life forms. The plasma spheres resemble biological cells – with a nucleus, membrane and intelligent motion.

In 2004 (as reported in the Physical News Update by Phil Schewe and Ben Stein) an experiment was conducted where particles in a plasma crystal arranged themselves into neat concentric shells (or rings - from a two-dimensional perspective), to a total ball diameter of several millimeters. These orderly Coulomb balls, consisting of aligned, concentric shells of dust particles, survived for long periods. (Dark matter halos around galaxies also have similar structures.) This structure was described as an "onion-like architecture".


Paranormal analyst, Allan Danelek (in his book The Case for Ghosts) says, "One could think of orbs as 'tiny ghosts' moving around a room, their essence being contained within a tiny sphere of pure energy, like air inside a bubble." This description could easily fit into the description of life-like plasma spheres generated in the laboratory by Lozneanu and Sanduloviciu. Furthermore the pulsating plasma spheres would also give readings of a fluctuating electromagnecitc field.

"Nine times out of ten, if a mysterious field is constant and stable, it's artificial; if it fluctuates erratically, it's paranormal." - Joshua Warren, Ghost Hunter

According to the paranormal literature "orbs" are light anomalies that appear on photographs and video as spherical balls of light but as flashes of light to the naked eye because of their rapid speed of motion. They exhibit intentional behavior – suggesting some consciousness or awareness of the environment. Orbs often travel in groups or clusters i.e. they exhibit swarm behavior – also a characteristic of particles in plasma – a characteristic observed by Bohm (see above). Orbs also can dart back and forth rapidly like amoebic life-forms in a Petri dish. The balls can be transparent, translucent or in a bright solid form. These are signature features of magnetic plasma which has the natural property of being able to change its degree of opacity when internal frequencies change. Magnetic plasma would also allow orbs to change their output of light or luminosity.

Looking at these balls in close-up reveals that they possess an onion-like layered structure i.e. they have concentric shells – a signature feature of plasma crystals. Danelek says, "…'true orbs' do not reflect light the same way a dust particle or flying insect does, but are instead generally more opaque and, in some cases, even appear to have rings within them." Experienced ghost hunter Joshua Warren (in his excellent book How to Hunt Ghosts) says, "Often, orbs appear to have a nucleus, just like a cell. The nucleus might be surrounded by 'bands' – concentric circles emerging from it. In fact, it might appear like an onion that's been chopped in half." All these characteristics are almost identical to plasma spheres and plasma crystals generated in the laboratory.

Some believe that an orb is a human soul or the life force of those that once inhabited a physical-dense body. Psychics claim to be able to communicate with them on a regular basis, and ghost hunters encounter them quite frequently in photographs and video. It is thought that they are conscious spirits that have stayed behind because they feel bound to their previous life or previous location for whatever reason – a typical characteristic of "Earth-bound" physical-etheric ghosts.

Interactions with Ordinary Matter

Orbs resemble plasma spheres in many ways. However, while plasma spheres generated in the laboratory are composed of standard particles (i.e. the particles described in the physicists' Standard Model currently), orbs are composed of super (i.e. supersymmetric) collisionless dark matter particles. This allows orbs to pass through objects and walls (just like ghosts).

Dark matter in the physical-etheric universe can only interact with ordinary matter if their energy levels temporarily fall and ordinary matter condenses around them. Warren believes that since ghosts have an electrostatic field, it makes sense that particles from the atmosphere would be trapped in the field. This would form a tiny clump of particles that betrays the presence of the ghost. He says that, based on readings on electromagnetic meters during paranormal investigations, paranormal orbs carry a charge of static electricity. Dr Michael Persinger, a lab-based parapsychologist, and his colleagues demonstrated a link between strong or varying electromagnetic fields and orb activity. Orbs are also said to travel along Birkeland currents (i.e. ley or energy lines). This is another characteristic of their electromagnetic nature – which suggests that they are composed of magnetic plasma which is a good generator of electromagnetic fields and a good radiator of electromagnetic waves.

According to Warren, orbs are most active in the deep infrared region. In 1983, physicist Pierre Sikivie proposed a technique to detect invisible dark matter particles called "axions". His technique called for a high "Q" microwave cavity, permeated by a strong static magnetic field. In the magnetic field, axions were expected to convert into microwave photons. Microwaves are in between the infrared region and radio waves in the electromagnetic spectrum. If ghosts are composed of dark matter particles, it can be hypothesized that they too would generate infrared radiation in the presence of a strong magnetic field and even radio waves which can be received by our radios.


According to plasma metaphysics, (genuine) orbs are the physical-etheric nuclei that are released from dying persons. Most of these nuclei exit-out of our universe through vortexes after the death of the higher physical-etheric body and are absorbed into the next higher energy body in the next universe – most frequently what metaphysicists describe as the "astral body" and the "astral plane or sphere". However, some stay behind because of unfinished business or some psychological attachment to the physical life that just ended. These are the (genuine) orbs that we see in photographs and videos. This conclusion is consistent with the theory of some paranormal investigators that spirits may find it easier to travel from one dimension to another in the form of orbs which can move more easily (than full-blown subtle bodies) through vortexes to another universe.

A number may also get reabsorbed into human embryos to start a new life in this physical-dense universe (i.e. they reincarnate in a physical-dense body). They grow with the embryo and facilitate the morphogenesis of the physical-dense and lower physical-etheric body. As they grow they absorb more energy and particles from the ionized (physical-etheric) environment and eventually become full-blown ovoids with "subtle bodies" inside. In this particular case, the subtle body will be the (higher) physical-etheric body or the "physical-double".

During death, the ovoid contracts into the physical-etheric nucleus (by dispersing its contents) and is released from the dying physical body after traveling through a meridian (which is associated with the lower physical-etheric body) and exits from the head to emerge as an orb with a bright nucleus. Details of this process can be found in the author's book Our Invisible Bodies.

© Copyright Jay Alfred 2007

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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Project Montauk - The Time Travel Chronicles

If you live in the suburbs of the New York Metropolitan area on Long Island, you're constantly under the influence of historical places, legendary tales, paranormal hotspots and a huge Government Contractor presence. I lived in Nassau County which has more than its share of historical places, haunted houses, frightening legends and UFO sightings. But if you want lots more, just head out east to Suffolk.

It was during my first visit to the historic Montauk Lighthouse that I noticed the huge radar dish which immediately identifies the Montauk Base. I must have been about eight years old and remember asking my parents about the monstrous structure. My father said it was part of a system to detect incoming enemy aircraft or missiles. As a retired Air Force Officer, he would know about that. However, I'm certain that he had no idea what future (or past) events would give that base such an infamous reputation.

I had plenty of friends that worked in the Long Island technical community. During the days of the Cold War, those jobs were everywhere if you qualified. Part of qualifying sometimes meant having a parent or other relative already on the inside. David was a good example. His father worked for the government or government contractors since the days of the Second World War. That helped David put his engineering degree to good use for the same company where his dad worked until his death a few years back.

I thought I had a good working knowledge of the Philadelphia Experiment up until 1987. After years of researching it and speaking with second and third hand witnesses, I was about to get a bit closer. David asked me to come and give a lunchtime talk about UFOs for his coworkers. His company sponsored these midday events once a month for employees who cared to attend. It was all about lessening stress in a very stressful work environment.

After discussing UFO reports and sightings on Long Island for about fifty minutes, I asked if anyone had comments or questions. There were plenty. Most came from people that had seen UFOs themselves. For some reason, there weren't many skeptics in the room. One guy asked me about the Philadelphia Experiment. In turn, I asked if everyone in the room was interested enough in the subject for me to spend another twenty or thirty minutes talking about it? They were.

I gave the group a kind of thumbnail sketch about the infamous World War II Navy project, then proceeded to explain how a simple program to degauss battleships turned into a massive project to make ships invisible. I explained how there was credible evidence to believe that scientists and engineers working out of Princeton under Einstein had actually made a ship invisible and opened a sort of space time portal during a series of experiments.

The experiments took place in the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard and along the east coast of the United States. The trial and error process saw a test crew placed aboard a battleship escort vessel for sea trials of the new technology. A technology which didn't always work correctly costing lives and creating more questions than answers.

David called later that night to thank me for speaking at the lunchtime event. He said everyone that came to the event talked about it for the rest of the day and those that didn't attend, wish they had. I thanked him and admitted that I came away with as much information as I had imparted in terms of UFO sightings. After some friendly chatter, he invited me to his house on Saturday and said he had wanted to discuss something about my investigations. He asked if I would come alone and I agreed.

Saturday arrived and found me standing at David's door around two in the afternoon. He opened the door and invited me in. My friend looked spent. I sat down in his living room and waited while he ran down to the basement to get something. He reappeared moments later with a large lockbox, opened it and handed me an old photo album. I asked him if I could run my cassette player. Knowing I was terrible at taking notes, he agreed. I would have to turn it off when he told me. Then he dropped the bomb.

"I wanted to tell you about my father, ah, after he passed away. It was, ah, ___. I didn't know anything about it before that." David stated. "I was worried about getting both of us in trouble, you know? Now I want someone else to know, ah, somebody. I guess it's your lucky day." I began looking at the album. "My dad was at Princeton in 1940," he continued. "When you, ah, presented that information about the Philadelphia Experiment, I know he was involved with, ah, something at that time." He had my full attention.

"_____ (the family lawyer) gave me this lockbox. He didn't want any responsibility. He didn't have the key. It was at home hanging on a hook in the closet, you know? _____ instructed me to open the box at home."

I looked through the album while David spoke and noticed a number of photos of his Dad with Navy Officers. Before I could ask where they were taken, I recognized the Philadelphia Naval Yard Hospital in a couple of the pictures. By 1987, I visited that area a half dozen times.

"Ah, I opened the box and ___. There was a note on top of a photo album and journal. He didn't want anyone to know about all this. I think he would want you to know. I don't know. He was protecting me. I haven't told anyone, _____. If mom knew, she never said." David's mom passed away from cancer when he was just fifteen.

At that point he asked me to shut off the recorder and I complied. It was making him really nervous. David removed a small and very old leather bound journal from a fireproof lock box. While removing the cloth from around it, he told me to keep everything quiet. The idea was to point me in the right direction, but keep his father's information of the radar screen. I was fine with that and honored that agreement for as long as requested. He began to fill in the blanks.

His dad was a gifted engineer and had a knack for designing complicated machines and electronic devices. Radio and electronics were a hobby for him, but he was better at those things than most professionals. I assume both talents came in handy for the Philadelphia Experiment.

David asked me to listen while he read from the journal. It was a diary that his father kept during the early 1940s. He carefully chose sections that could be read, ignored others and explained that there were things he couldn't share with me. I understood and was grateful for what he was willing to reveal.

He read about ten hand-written pages. Although no names or specifics were mentioned, the diary did note that he was at Princeton working on a project special project during World War II. He was one of several young prodigies personally recommended by Albert Einstein and engaged by the Navy. They were developing a system of magnetic detection devices to protect our harbors against infiltration by ships and submarines. These would be part of a multi-faceted system which would include radar, hydrophones, magnetic detection devices and more. That was what they told him.

Everything changed when he arrived at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. The group from Princeton was told to develop a system which would demagnetize ships and make them radar invisible. David skipped over a lot. When he resumed reading, his father was in the middle of an experiment with one of the moored ships. There were no crew members on board, just several carefully chosen junior officers that acted as caretakers.

During the process of testing equipment, there was an accident. It looked as though one of the junior officers was electrocuted. He accidentally touched an open circuit while standing in the middle of an area filled with electronics and powerful magnetic fields. The power was shut down and he fell to the floor. When the technicians got to him, he had a pulse and didn't look burned. The young Officer was sent to the Naval Shipyard Hospital.

The junior officer was back with a clean bill of health a few hours later. David's father and another member of the team spotted him and headed over to see if he was alright. Before they could reach him, the young man entered a hatchway and vanished around a corner. The engineers didn't think much about it at the time because it was easy to lose sight of people inside a ship.

Several hours later, everyone was ready to call it day. The young officer was no where to be found. Despite a careful search through that ship and others in the area, he could not be located. The next day there was a more comprehensive search which turned up nothing. David's father and his associate were extensively questioned as were others that saw him enter the hatchway, but no blame was pointed in their direction. Those in charge already seemed to know what happened to him.

The Navy was satisfied that the junior officer didn't voluntarily vanish, was not a spy and probably fell overboard as a result of a belated reaction to the electrocution. That was the official position. It was more likely that the young man melted into the ship's superstructure or floated off into some ethereal realm. That situation was repeated on a larger scale during other attempts to test Philadelphia Experiment technologies.

David stopped reading and stared blankly at me. I didn't really know what to say. Sensing I was at a loss for words, he told me that this was the first and last time he would be able to share this information with me. I passed the photo album back to him; he placed the journal on top of it and carefully locked everything up in the box. I left with a million more questions than answers.

Sadly, David passed away a few years ago. His death was the tragic result of an auto accident and was completely unexpected. With no will or preparations in place, I asked his surviving relatives about any photo albums or a diary belonging to his father they might have found. They seemed genuinely surprised and said that no such items were found among David's possessions. I thought it wise not to pursue the matter. His death ended my agreement to keep the information he provided to myself.

A year after David's stunning revelation I met several people with similar stories. They are Al Bielek, Preston Nichols and Duncan Cameron. All three claimed involvement with projects once headquartered at the Montauk Air Force Station. These projects used technologies developed from the Philadelphia Experiment and involved invisibility, time travel, mind control, remote viewing and psychic war fare. After a lot of phone work, Bielek, Nichols and Cameron agreed to meet a small of group of people assembled to evaluate their claims and film their testimony.

Their revelations about the Montauk Air Force Station were stunning and their attention to detail was amazing. I listened to them for almost twelve hours and ended up with a good four hours of solid information non film. One of the people who came there with me was a technical writer with a great deal of government project experience. I asked him to evaluate the information and render an opinion. When the session was over, he went home and didn't call me for several days. When we finally touched base, he said that he was not able to sleep. He believed their story and it really troubled him. Without going in to detail, he said that it answered a lot of questions about strange things he came across over the years.

Stories of secret projects on Long Island didn't begin with Montauk. They go back over one hundred years and begin with tunnels allegedly built by Nicola Tesla. These underground passageways have been described as everything from tiny in certain areas to labyrinth-sized in others. They begin at Tesla's experimental Wardenclyffe facility (built in 1901) in the Shoreham area and extend outward. Officially, they are supposed to be just a few hundred feet long and a merely a foot wide. However, a number of people report exploring these tunnels when they were temporarily opened back in the 1960s.

The tunnel entrances and exits were being prepared for permanent closure and were sealed shortly afterward. According to those witnesses the underground passageways are huge and go on for miles in all directions. Tesla may have built these tunnels as energy collectors. Some contained huge copper wires connected to what looked like some sort of capacitors and ran in a wide circle to and from Wardenclyffe and other areas. Tunnels identical to these have been reported as far west as Middle Island, in a number of other areas and all the way to the south shore. Based on the way everything was set up, this was not an energy distribution system. If not, what kind of energy was Tesla trying to collect?

After Wardenclyffe, Tesla was suddenly interested in things like interplanetary communication and particle beam weapons. The special energies or power he appeared to seek on Long Island must have inspired him. These forces may still exist today and might be related to the time travel experiments at Montauk. I believe that the Philadelphia Experiment opened a time or energy portal that may extend back over a hundred years. That portal was created when the USS Eldridge became invisible and traveled through time and space.

Evidence of this comes in the form of an odd and modern looking warship that was spotted off the south shore of Long Island and in other places before and after World War I and during World War II. And there's more. If these energies exist, they would play havoc with the environment from a temporal standpoint. That may already be happening.

Montauk is a place where whole areas of trees just vanish. Others grow in a slanting position towards the direction of the base. Huge rocks and heavy objects appear to move from one place to another by themselves. UFOs and glowing lights are seen in the skies and just under the surface of the waters that surround it. The Montauk base always seems to be at the center of everything strange. Psychics and those sensitive to unseen forces claim to detect unusual energy fields.

When I first visited the allegedly deactivated Montauk Air Force Station in the late 1980s, there were clearly signs that the base was still very active. Office buildings had desks and chairs that seemed fairly new. The lights and phones worked. Heat flowed through above ground pipes and water was available to flush toilets in the restrooms. The smell of freshly prepared food emanated from vents that were originally designed to provide air for the gun emplacement bunkers. The former PX building looked like a modified cafeteria with hundreds of military-style meal trays carefully stored on racks inside.

The base was patrolled by men that were obviously Marines dressed as fisherman. I say Marines because I found Marine emblems displayed on the inside of buildings throughout the base. These very tall and fit guys wandered through the base. They walked up and down the beach and near the bluffs from the lighthouse to just west of the base. If you were spotted by them, they would politely suggest that you be would safer staying in the public areas of the lighthouse to the east. If you didn't leave, they would be less polite and summon the local or State Police.

Whether Montauk is still active remains to be seen. If it is, those in charge are unlikely to make the same mistakes that lead the witnesses like those which have contacted me to do so again. Anyone working in secret areas of the base nowadays will not be brainwashed techies or human test subjects previously exposed to secret technologies. They'll be dyed in the wool government operatives that are unlikely to come forward with any information.

Although there are a number of other facilities around the Country being used in a similar manner, Montauk seems to be the focal point for whatever has evolved from the original time travel, psychic warfare, remote viewing and mind control experiments. Today's Montauk Project would properly be very difficult to describe in everyday terms. That's why I felt a need to create a sequel to The Truth about the Philadelphia Experiment DVD Set.

As the person who filmed the original testimony of Preston Nichols, Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron, I felt obliged to provide more. That was not an easy thing to do. I wasn't just the first person to film these witnesses; I was also the first researcher to bring their story to the world. Let's face it; the original story is a hard act to follow and is just a sampling of the larger volume of information I have uncovered about secret technologies and their development. What pleases me most about the original information provided on VHS and DVD is that time has proven it to be true. I expect the same will happen with the new and more complete revelations.

A recent example of how correct those three original witnesses were involves their revelations about the planet Mars. They spoke about using the Montauk Project technology to visit underground areas on Mars and move about in secret caves. Their statements matched information presented during an episode of Science Report, a British Television Series that aired during the 1970s. That episode was titled, Alternative Three.

According to the critically-acclaimed Science Report, the U.S. Space Program was further along than people thought. The show revealed that landings on Mars had been a regular event since the 1960s. It also laid out the plan to transport important and innovation people with technical backgrounds to Mars. The excuse for all this was the coming environment chaos caused by pollution, over-population and industrial excess. However, I felt there was a less philanthropic force at work and the Montauk Survivor statements seem to back that up.

More than a few people laughed at the premise of Alternative Three and the statements by Al, Preston and Duncan about Mars. However, thanks to NASA probes and studies of Mars, they are not laughing as hard as they used to. Scientists now tell us that they have found evidence of entrances to huge underground caves on Mars. They also say that huge blocks of ice and perhaps even water exist just under the Martian surface. In short, just about everything needed to build a self sustaining underground environment for humans already exists on Mars.

Government manipulation of time and meddling with people's memories makes it difficult to draw a clear picture of what has happened and continues to happen through the Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project. That information seems strange and convoluted to anyone unfamiliar with the world of secret government projects and technologies. However, that doesn't make it any less true.

For more, please visit

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Science of Gayatri Yajnas - An Introduction

All activities of the entire cosmos revolve around the axis of Yajnas. Great Rishis of yore proclaim: "Ayam Yajno Vishwasya Bhuvanasya Naabhihi" (Atharva Veda 9/15/14). It means Yajnas are the central focus of this cosmos. The divine singer of Bhagwad Geeta i.e. Lord Krishna too says: "Sahayajnaahaa prajaahaa purovaacha prajapatihi. Anaina prasavishvadhwamesha vostvishtakaamadhuka."(3/10). It means that at the beginning of this Kalpa (creation) Brahma after creating Yajnas, living beings etc advised them to propagate via the medium of Yajnas because these Yajnas will fulfill your material/spiritual needs. Yajnas are those extremely precious boons given to world humanity by Vedic Rishis of ancient India which is a foundation stone of material/spiritual bliss and maintaining a healthy ecosystem (especially today when world leaders are worried about environmental pollution and global warming).

Every word of the nectar like writings of HH Gurudeva Shriram Sharma Acharya throws light on the great foundation stones of Divine Culture viz. Yajnas and Science of Super Mantra Gayatri. He elucidates the miraculous results of divine energy emitted via Gayatri Mantra chanting and thus the vital energy of the Gayatri devotee becomes more potent by leaps and bounds. Our revered author-seer uprooted (symbolically and not literally) the erroneous concept of Yajnas which were based on mythological (Puranas) description and instead reinstated Super Mantra Gayatri Yajnas based on Vedic precepts. Such Gayatri Yajnas were 'hungrily' imbibed by thousands of devotees since their resultant benefits were incredible to say the least. This we can emphatically say is a revolutionary endeavor of this era. It is even greater in stature when compared to the revolution of post Yogiraj Gorakhnath's times wherein thousands were obstructed from misusing Tantra spiritual practices including Tantra based Yajnas. (During Gorakhnathji's life time Tantra was used most appropriately but it was after the great sage shed his mortal coil that rampant misuse of Tantra by ignoramuses set in). Today thanks to our revered Yuga Rishiji in so many pious households Gayatri Yajnas are being performed regularly so that an optimum sacred environment sets in to usher in a radiant world future in the 21st Century.

While giving us the true meaning of the sacred word 'Yajna' our revered author says that our life should it self become a Yajna both internally and externally. While throwing light on Bhagwad Geeta's verse viz. "Yajnaarthaat karmanonyatra lokoyam karmabandhanaha" he says a supremely great life involves executing actions based on the spirit of Yajnas. Other than these all actions bind us to this world and obstruct a living being from merging into God who is the cosmic being and eternal divine bliss manifest. The word 'Yajna' cannot be limited to the uttering 'Swaahaa' while carrying out fire sacrifices which offer sacred materials to the Yajna deity. Instead Yajna means purifying our personality from its very fount so that divinity oozes from the pore of man's entire being (this is true personality development). True worship of God encompasses respecting latent divine powers in the deep recesses of the soul and awakening them. Manu Smriti says: "Mahaayajnaishcha braahmeeyam kriyatay tanuhu". It means a supreme Yajna is one wherein man living a life of divine virtues constantly perseveres to sanctify his body, mind and soul from their very roots.

Yajna is a high stature endeavor executed for supreme material and spiritual gains. First the inner world imbibes divinity and then after offering Prana to Apan and vice versa Samidha (wood fuel of fire sacrifice) in the form of ones life is offered in the Yajna called world welfare. Thus know for sure that this indeed is the elucidation of a true Yajna. If our sentimental arena exudes greatness and translates the same in external social, professional and other activities indeed it becomes a true Yajna. Our revered author by giving such an extraordinary meaning of a Yajna has actually echoed the root meaning of Yajnas as per Vedic injunctions. In the Sanskrit language the word Yajna emerges from its root 'Yaja' which comnnotes worship of divinity, association with great saints, congregation of pious people and rendering the world powerful via international brotherhood and unity.

Amongst the 24 Avatars is included the Lord of Yajnas. Yajna is a worship icon in Indian culture and any action that does not include a Yajna basis cannot even be dreamt of. While describing the scientific aspect of Yajnas our revered author says it is a very important principle in keeping well managed all cosmic activities. Satiating divine elements means maintaining a healthy balance amongst all cosmic forces (material and spiritual) that manage this world. In today's modern day context you can say that Yajna is akin to a 'tax'. Just as if you do not pay taxes governmental tax authorities can punish you so too if you do not show gratefulness to nature (for giving you free air, water, light etc without billing you!) by offering materials (Ahuti) in Yajnas nature shows her wrath in the form of natural calamities like earthquakes, famines, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis etc. Thus the scientific basis of averting natural calamities is Yajna.

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Thursday, April 05, 2007

Middle Zone Standard Study Of Handwriting


There are 3 zones in English writing: Upper (l,h,t,b,etc.), Middle (a,m,n,o,u,e,i,s,v,c,r,w,x,z), and Lower (f,g,j,p,y). The middle zone dominates handwritten expression accounting for over 80 per cent of zonal space. It's the core of the personality expression. The "accepted" standard of 1/8th (.125) inch in some literature and 3 mm in other literature was questioned. A search carried out by the author found no supporting statistics to substantiate that concept. Therefore, a research study was initiated to assess an average (or standard) middle zone size, in general.


Two studies were conducted twenty years apart. The information was taken from continuously measured MZ data (normally performed) over that period of time. In other words, all samples had MZ measurements taken for that 20 years with data stored or recorded.

The first study was performed during the years 1978-1979 and involved 500 handwriting specimens. These samples were selected from individuals of 19 years of age and older. There were 250 samples each of males and females. Specimens were not used if the handwriting reflected aging or infirmities. A calibrated, documented caliper capable of measuring in increments of .0005 inch, traceable to the United States national bureau of standards, NIST, was used in the measurement process along with a scientific calculator. Five measurements were made on each of the 500 samples. The measurements were made in the following manner: one from the top of the display, three from the middle of the display and a final one from the end of the display. These measurements were tediously taken at random and recorded. Measurements were made of the down strokes of Middle Zone letters including the slant - not just the vertical height. This must be done because the full length of the down stroke represents the writer and with a 30-degree slant vertical measurement would be erroneous by 100%. A total of 2,500 measurements were recorded.

The second study was performed during the years 1999-2000 and involved 231 handwriting specimens. These samples came from individuals located throughout the United States of America and were received by way of conducting handwriting analyses for either business or personal purposes. There was an approximately equal distribution of males and females. This time a digital, calibrated caliper, connected to a statistical mini-computer, was utilized. This enabled the author to increase ease of sampling in very accurate increments of .0005 inch and traceable to NIST with calibrated, documented instrumentation. This afforded quick and numerous measurements. Over 60 random measurements were made on each sample. Calculated as closely as possible, a total of 13,860 measurements were recorded.


The results tend to be skewed significantly below the generally accepted standards of 1/8th of an inch or 3-mm. Table 1 gives the results from study one and Table 2 gives the results from the second study. The correlation (r) of the two studies is .936, which is extremely high and tends to suggest the consistency between both studies. In the first study, 86.2% of observations were below 1/8th (.125) inch and, in the second study, 78% were below 1/8th inch. Furthermore, the percent below 3-mm (.1182 inch) in both studies was 82% and 72.2%, time respective.

Other results:

- The medians were .100 inch and .094 inch. Again, tending well below 3 mm.

- The standard deviations were exactly the same to 4 places but not beyond. This seemed highly improbable but was checked.

- The modes were less than .100 inch with one exactly the same (.086 inch).

Table 1 1978-1979 Study Results

Intervals for Middle Zone Size in Inches (in) Frequency of Measurement in each Interval Percent of Frequency in each Interval

.039 or Less 0 0

.040-.049 5 1.0

.050-.059 17 3.4

.060-.069 27 5.4

.070-.079 66 13.2

.080-.089 92 18.4

.090-.099 86 17.2

.100-.109 63 12.6

.110-.119 57 11.4

.120-.129 35 7.0

.130-.139 20 4.0

.140-.149 13 2.6

.150-.159 8 1.6

.160-.169 2 .4

.170+ 9 1.8

500 100

Total Samples (N)

Average .098511

Standard Deviation .0264237

Variance .0006968

Median .094

Mode(s) (14 each) .086 & .094

Correlation to "99-'00 Study
(r) = .936

Number of measures 500 x 5 =

Table 2 - 1999-2000 Study Results

Intervals for Middle Zone Size in Inches (in) Frequency in each Interval Percent in each Interval Standard Deviation
Array Frequency

% of each Standard Deviation

.039 or Less 0 0 .005 1 .416

.040-.049 1 .43 .006 0 0

.050-.059 3 1.29 .007 0 0

.060-.069 8 3.46 .008 3 1.250

.070-.079 23 9.95 .009 2 .833

.080-.089 38 16.45 .010 5 2.083

.090-.099 35 15.15 .011 6 2.500

.100-.109 37 16.01 .012 16 6.666

.110-.119 22 9.52 .013 15 6.250

.120-.129 23 9.95 .014 19 7.916

.130-.139 13 5.62 .015 18 7.500

.140-.149 9 3.89 .016 23 9.583

.150-.159 6 2.59 .017 11 4.583

.160-.169 6 2.59 .018 15 6.250

.170+ 7 3.03 .019 10 4.166

.020 14 5.833

Total smp (N) 231* 99.93 .021 16 6.666

Average .10451 .022 3 1.250

Standard Dev. .02644 .023 14 5.833

Median .100 .024 3 1.250

Mode (7) .086 .025 12 5.000

Correlate to .026 9 3.750

"78-"79 Study .027 3 1.250

(r) = .936 .028 3 1.250

Number meas. 231x60 = .029 0 0

13,860 .030 1 .416

.031 2 .833

.032 3 1.250

.033 4 1.666

.034 1 .416

.035 1 .416

.036 4 1.666

.037 0 0

.038 0 0

.039 1 .416

.040 1 .416

.050+ 1 .416

Totals 240* 99.989

Discussion and Conclusion

Although these studies were conducted 21 years apart they demonstrate a correlation to size distribution of (r) .936. Aside from the measurements documented in this report, over 600,000 individual MZ measurements were made by the author since 1977 as standard practice on all analyses. Those measurements continue to reflect the results of these studies.

The overall conclusion tends to indicate that the standard (or average MZ size) is significantly less than the arbitrary 3 mm. The author has used the .098511 inch standard as the "fulcrum" for assessing middle zone size relationships. The studies tend to indicate repeatability, which is the basis for scientific investigation. Similar studies in every country are encouraged to establish a world standard or individual national standards.

A further observation

Additionally, the author has been intrigued by the possibility (and, in the absence of any publication) of a polar-concept to handwriting/printing meaning that there are only two fundamental elements that create any handwriting/printing. We see this binary concept throughout the Universe. To this end, a conclusion has been determined: Pressure and Speed. These are the two essential elements constituting the creation of all writing/printing. Both range from a possible zero value to the capacity of the writer. Some basic explanations are warranted since questions are certain to arise.

A dot or period is the simplest form of speed (moving down) and pressure (against the resistance of the surface). If it is true for a dot then it is true for all writing. Space is the absence of pressure yet incorporates speed for spatial adjustment. Although there will be some controversy, it is the author's belief the conclusion has merit, however, other observations are welcome.

Observations on Study One of MZ Average Size Measurements

Individual Standard Deviations were not recorded in study number one.

1. More than 86% (86.2%) are less than the generally accepted "standard" of 1/8th of an inch (.125") or 3.1725 mm.

2. Only 7% are within the "standard" .120"-.130".

3. Correlation with a similar study ("98-'00) 21 years later is extremely high at r = .936.

4. Confidence limits at 1 SD range from .072" to .124". 66% confidence, results are in this range.

5. Confidence limits at 2 SD range from .045" to .151". 95% confidence, results are in this range.

6. Confidence limits at 3 SD range from .019" to .177". 99% confidence, results are in this range.

7. The average was calculated at .098511 inch well, below the 1/8th inch generally accepted "standard".

8. The standard deviation was calculated at .0264237 inch.

9. The median was .094 inch.

10. The mode(s) were (14 each) .086 inch and .094 inch

Observations on Study Two of MZ Average Size Measurements

1. More than 77% (77.9%) are less than the generally accepted "standard" of 1/8th of an inch (.125") or 3.1725 mm.

2. Only 9.9% within current accepted 'standard' .120"-.130".

3. Correlation with a similar study ("78-'79) 21 years later is extremely high at r =.936.

4. Confidence limits at 1 SD range from .0780" to .1309". 66% confidence results are in this range.

5. Confidence limits at 2 SD range from .0516" to .1573". 95% confidence results are in this range.

6. Confidence limits at 3 SD range from .0252" to .1838". 99% confidence results are in this range.

7. The average was calculated at .10451 inch. Well below the 1/8th inch generally accepted "standard".

8. The standard deviation was calculated at .02644 inch.

9. The median was .100 inch.

10. The mode was .086 inch (7 total)

11. * Recording errors account for differences but have
virtually no effect on results.


Writings, Instruction, Scoring, P Velasco, 1990, self published
Cluster Indicators of Handwriting Elements, J. Cammarata, 1984,

Experiments with Handwriting, Robert Saudek, 1929, William Morrow & Co., NY

The Psychology of Handwriting, Nadya Olyanova, 1960, Sterling Publishing, NY

Studies in Expressive Movement, GW Allport & PE Vernon, 1933, Macmillan, NY

Diagrams of the Unconscious, W Wolff, 1948, Grune & Stratton, NY

The Psychology of Handwriting, Robert Saudek, 1925, Allen & Unwin, London

*Handwriting: A Key to Personality, K Roman, 1975, Noonday Press, NY, page 147.

Thoughts and writings of D Anthony & F Anthony, self published

*Handwriting, An Analysis through Its Symbolism, R Hearns, Vantage, NY, page 36.

Handwriting and Character, D Lucas, 1923, McKay Company, Philadelphia, PA

The Science of Handwriting Analysis, B Rosen, 1965, Bonanza Books, NY

*Analysis of Handwriting, H Jacoby, 1939, Allen & Unwin, London

Handwriting Analysis, TS Lewinson & J Zubin, 1942, Kings Crown Press, NY

Personality in Handwriting, AO Mendel, 1947, Stephen Daye Press, NY

Handwriting Analysis, U Sonnemann, 1950, Allen & Unwin, London

Handwriting, A Key to Successful Living, HO Teltscher, 1942, GP Putnam, NY

*The Key to Handwriting Analysis, I Marcuse, 1962, Rolton House, NY, page 39.

Trattato…Scrittore, C Baldi, 1620, Bologna, Italy

Handschrift und Charakter, L Klages, 1940, Leipzig

Applied Graphology, I Marcuse, 1946, Macoy, NY

Handwriting, A Personality Projection, F Victor, 1945, Thomas, NY

*Graphology Handbook, C Casewit, 1980, Para Research, MA, page 39.

The Principle Trait Clusters for Describing Personality, R B Cattel, Psychological Bulletin, 42:129-161, 1945

*Handwriting Analysis, Thea Stein Lewinson, 1967, page 36, University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI.

*Handwriting & Personality, Ann Mahony, 1989, page 63.

*Write What's Wrong, Dr. Claude Santoy, 1992, page 12.

*Practical Character Analysis from Handwriting, Albert J. Smith, 1920, London, page11.

*What Handwriting Indicates, John Rexford, 1904, page 11.

*Handwriting Analysis, Dorothy Sara, 1967, page 98.

*The Elements of Graphology, Barry Branson, 1995, page 17.

*Handwriting as an Index to Character, very old book, no author or date of publication, London, page 3.

NOTE: An asterisk (*) denotes references stating either 1/8th inch or 3mm as the normal middle zone size or height.

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Bigfoot - An Enigma with Many Possible Identities

A few years ago, I received a video from my good friend and experienced paranormal investigator, Dick Criswell. It was filmed in Oakland, Oregon, and involved an amazing guy named Stan Johnson and his unique understanding of Bigfoot. Sasquatch, Bigfoot, Yeti, Abominable Snowman or Skunk Ape; call it what you will. Most people think of the legendary creature as some sort of missing link or unidentified primate. Stan has a different view and it has caused me to reexamine my own conclusions about these beings.

I have watched Dick's video, On Bigfoot Mountain, dozens of times and that surprises me. When it comes to Paranormal Research, I like to keep my focus on the subject at hand and not the 'noise' surrounding it. Theories, ideas, channeled data, cults and everything else you can imagine really blurs the big picture and removes objectivity. However, Stan's information gave me some new ideas about the behavior of Bigfoot.

Johnson describes the Sasquatch as a race of intelligent beings that easily communicate with him and travel using portals. He mentions at least three portals that exist on the mountain where he lives. The portals seem to be entrances and exits to and from our physical reality. Not surprisingly, Bigfoot is often seen in these areas by a diverse group of witnesses.

Apart from the physical sightings, Johnson seems able to communicate with these beings on a mental or spiritual level. During those times, the Sasquatch need not be physically present. This makes me wonder who or what they really are. It may be that the Native Peoples of North America have a better understanding of Bigfoot than the rest of us. They have great respect for these beings and feel they represent a border or bridge between human and animal consciousness.

The Sasquatch that speaks to Johnson and others seem to have an understanding of our physical reality that we have not yet grasped. For example, their use of portals and manipulation of time and space really fascinated me. Not only would it explain their ability to suddenly appear and disappear, but it might also explain why other paranormal events occur in the same areas and at the same times as many Bigfoot sightings. My first investigation of a Bigfoot event was a good example of that scenario.

I became acquainted with the Florida version of Bigfoot in 1973 at the age of seventeen. People in the Sunshine State generally refer to it as a Skunk Ape or Yeti. Either way, descriptions are identical to what some Bigfoot researchers call unknown primate sightings and encounters worldwide. Nevertheless, the event I was investigating didn't occur in the middle of some thick forest or on a road rarely traveled in the Everglades. This was the Jungle Prada area of Saint Petersburg surrounded by water and suburban neighborhoods.

It was early October and I was investigating ghost light sightings reported to my high school UFO club. The lights appeared in the area of Jungle Prada Park at Park Street N and Elbow Lane. They were centered over a section of Boca Ciega Bay that separates Saint Petersburg from Treasure Island. Most people think of it as a channel because all the boat traffic and marine markers.

I arrived at the Jungle Prada just before dark with two friends which agreed to assist me in the investigation. We parked close to the shoreline hoping to speak with regulars that fished that area and might have noticed the lights. As we were getting our equipment out of the car, I noticed three helicopters in the area. They were not military and didn't look like police or emergency medical transport choppers.

Before we could give the helicopters another thought, dozens of cars appeared out of nowhere. Most of the drivers were young people. I thought that maybe we had accidentally ended up in the middle of some kind of keg party or fraternity event. Seeing that we had some photography equipment, a tape recorder and note taking materials, one guy asked us, "Are you here looking for the Skunk Ape?"

We had no idea what he was talking about until we heard a couple of car radios that were blaring a local music station. Between songs, the DJ mentioned some listeners that called in to his studio earlier about seeing some sort of a large, hairy creature swimming in the bay near Jungle Prada. I asked my fellow investigators to snoop around while I located a payphone and called the radio station. I drove some distance to a gas station and made the call.

The DJ told me that listeners had been calling him for the past two hours. Most were frustrated when their calls to police or emergency numbers were largely ignored. The first few callers were people that were fishing along a pier when they saw the creature. Others were out in their boats at the time the creature was spotted. The best call came from a charter boat captain that regularly piloted his vessel through the area. The captain, crew and passengers all saw the creature. The captain contacted the Coast Guard.

Most of the witnesses that called were listening to the music station when the DJ asked people to call in with song requests and gave out the studio phone number. Instead, they called about the Skunk Ape. The DJ told me that he might have considered it all a prank, but this was a guy that listened to people call in for all sorts of reasons night after night. He had developed a knack for knowing when people were trying to pull a fast one on him.

Needless to say, I spent most of my time there trying to track down any witnesses to the event that might still be in the area. Thanks to some information from the DJ, I was able to narrow my search to the pier area and found two people that had called the station. After calling from a convenience store, they returned to the area to see if the creature had come back.

The Richardson's were a young couple that came out to enjoy the sunset by the water's edge. Along with some other people fishing and hanging out nearby, they said that a large creature suddenly appeared in the water. It was swimming toward the shoreline just north of where they were standing. The creature swam much like a human, but it was very large and hairy. Still in amazement over the event, the witnesses said that it came up on the shore and ran into the tree line like a person would. Not thinking, everyone ran up to that area and trampled over any footprints that might have been left behind.

The couple took me to that area along the shore and we searched through it with large flashlights, but too many people had already been there. There was no way to discern specific footprints in the sand or know if the creature or crowd had caused damage to small trees and other growths. A more thorough search the next day turned up nothing unusual.

Most people might consider it more than a bit strange that Bigfoot would share the spotlight with Ghost Lights in same area at the same time. However, Jungle Prada is the original paranormal exception to the rule. It is one of the oldest, most historic, haunted, troubled and mysterious parts of St Petersburg, Florida, or anywhere else for that matter.

The Tocobaga Indians built burial mounds and villages in the area as early as 900 AD and thrived right up until the arrival of the Spanish Conquistadors in 1528. They allegedly enslaved, killed and infected the Tocobaga with disease. Within one hundred years, the natives were extinct. However, remnants of their mounds remain and so do their ghosts.

It's not uncommon for visitors to the historic mounds to report a sickening feeling in their stomach. While most Floridians chalk that up to people from cold states spending too much time outdoors in the Florida heat and humidity, others have a stranger explanation. Some psychics and spiritualists insist that the illness comes from the Tocobaga ghosts or their residual psychic energy. It's a reminder of the stomach pains they felt while suffering from diseases and illnesses brought to their shores by the Conquistadors.

The Spanish were not the only ones who came to the Jungle Prada searching for wealth. In 1924 a man named Walter Fuller built a shopping center at what is now 1700 Park Street North. The complex was designed to serve guests who stayed at his nearby Country Club Hotel. That grand old building still exists and has been home to the Admiral Farragut Academy for many years. Parts of the shopping area have also survived to this day including a night club that was partially or fully owned by Al Capone.

Capone's Gangplank Club existed in Fuller's Shopping Center and featured some of the top names in entertainment including Count Basie and Duke Ellington. Anything but dry, the place had a regular supply of bootleg booze brought in through a secret tunnel that ran from the shoreline to the club courtesy of Capone.

Always one to keep a sharp eye on his investments, Capone built a house nearby at Venetian Blvd. N.E. and Bayou Grande N.E. on the shore of Grand Bayou. Trusted associates stayed there and watched over the night club to be sure the Boss got his cut of the profits. That house has a million weird stories associated with it. Possibly the weirdest involves some of Capone's regular house guests falling into bad company that might have actually been worse than their own.

Unsubstantiated stories tell a tale of people that secretly arranged and took part in occult ceremonies near the remnants of huge homes that once graced the shoreline in that area. Some of the fences that surrounded these mansions and a few ruins could still be seen in the early 1970s. Huge trees covered with Spanish Moss hid these residences from public view even in their heyday.

There is no way to know if any of these dark deeds took place at Capone's house or actually occurred at all. If they did, it's unlikely that Capone had any involvement since he was rarely there and showed no interest in such things. However, the Boss's home was a different story.

After years of building fences around it, installing lights to illuminate it at night and responding to endless calls of break-ins, odd noises, ghosts sightings and people suddenly acting in an irrational manner when near it, local authorities gave up. They ordered the house condemned and tore it down. The current house on that location has no association with the Capone residence.

Whether it was the stock market crash, end of prohibition or a curse sometimes associated with that area, Capone's Gangplank Club and most of the retail establishments in that area eventually closed down. The Jungle Prada was just too far off the beaten path to be profitable for anyone and it's been that way ever since. The closing of an airport used by Capone and Country Club Hotel guests also added to the Prada's economic demise. The Tyrone Square Mall is now on that location, but too far away to be of any economic benefit to the Prada.

Some say that the place is just unlucky, others blame the bad luck on a curse that allegedly exists on the land due to the mistreatment and murder of the Tocobaga Native People. Except for a housing boom in the 1950s and 1960s which ate up a large portion of land that was largely unused, the place hasn't had much in the way of good fortune or a legacy to brag about.

Even residents of nearby communities that were a part of the building boom haven't completed escaped the curse. Despite skyrocketing real estate prices, neighborhood associations are constantly at odds with town officials that seem bent on relocating facilities and services elsewhere to benefit other communities.

Jungle Prada can't seem to escape its unseemly reputation. Parks in the area offer popular activities to residents and feature spectacular natural beauty, but home owners have to share these town properties with others that come for very different reasons. Reasons that are a constant thorn in the side of people living near the Prada.

Ghost Tours are regularly lead through the Prada by entrepreneurial profiteers. Historic Markers constantly remind visitors of the extinct Tocobaga People. Tourists visit by the thousands each year to see the ancient burial mounds. Others want a look at Capone's Club where Babe Ruth was married. Mediums, Spiritualists and Ghost Hunters drop by to contact the dead. UFO Researchers search for Ghost Lights or unidentified underwater objects that are said to speed through the Bay in this alleged western section of the Bermuda Triangle. And don't forget about Bigfoot.

Thinking back to Stan Johnson's revelation about the intelligence of the Sasquatch and the portals through which they travel makes me wonder. Is it possible that there are inter-dimensional portals in the Jungle Prada? If there are, it may be that the Bigfoot creatures are not the only ones able to use them. That might explain all the paranormal activity and why a Bigfoot creature might occasionally be seen in that area.

Listening to Stan, I get the impression that the Sasquatch are concerned about our well-being and exist on a very high spiritual level. It may be that they help keep dark forces at bay or Aliens bent on invasion from coming through the portals. I guess you could almost describe them as some sort of inter-dimensional Peace Keepers. However, the degree of their success may also depend on our own efforts and it's obvious that we do not always act in our own best interest.

While interviewing some of the survivors of the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project, I was told that a large hairy creature once appeared out of nowhere during one of the inter-dimensional time travel experiments at the Montauk Base. Looking exactly like a Bigfoot, it seemed bent on destroying the equipment and closing down the project. This makes me wonder if those in charge were accessing one of the portals reported to exist on or near the Base.

The Montauk Project was a government program designed to develop and take control of time and inter-dimensional travel, develop technologies to respond to the perceived Alien threat and perfect mind control and psychic weapons. Those goals would be at odds with the mission of the Sasquatch. That mission may be to keep all things equal, prevent conflicts between beings sharing the universe and bring humans closer to a higher spiritual existence. As a result, the Sasquatch might have tried to shut down the experiments at Montauk to save us from ourselves. Unfortunately, they failed.

Taking things a step further, I wonder why the physical aspects and overall behavior of the Sasquatch do not seem to match the intellect that Stan claims they possess. Is it possible that the hairy creatures we see are merely physical vessels housing some sort of spiritual or ascended beings? As wild as that sounds, it makes sense.

If you were visiting another world or dimension and faced a potential threat from the inhabitants or other beings visiting at the same time, you might take the form of something large and strong if you had the ability to do so. I believe that the Bigfoot creatures are unknown animals kept from extinction by inter-dimensional beings using them for protection. It's also possible that the inter-dimensional beings could have brought these creatures from another time, place or plain of existence. That might help explain why we can't seem to locate any small or large groups of the creatures, despite all the evidence for their existence.

If what Stan and others say is true and my own theory is correct, it would explain the duality of abilities and skills that these beings possess. At times they seem to hunt, feed and communicate in the most primitive way. On other occasions they demonstrate excellent communication skills and exhibit evidence of a society with an advanced social structure and communal sense of spiritual well-being. All this provides evidence that advanced beings are using Sasquatch as a walk-in whenever the need arises.

After all my theorizing, we still have to drop back to one, all-important question: Does Bigfoot exist at all? And despite all the skeptical Nay Sayers out there that think not, there is a substantial amount of evidence for the physical existence of Bigfoot. The evidence includes reliable eyewitness testimony, a continuing series of sightings over a long period of time, repeat sightings in various places, physical evidence, photographs, film, video and sound recordings.

Manitoba, Canada, is one of the areas where Bigfoot has made regular appearances since the 1800s. In 2005, a ferry boat operator named Bobby Clarke filmed a creature that might have been ten feet tall a few hundred miles north of Winnipeg. Clark, a First Nation Canadian, ferries people and cargo across the Nelson River. On the morning of April 16, 2005, he arrived at the docks around 6:30 in the morning. At first light he saw "a big black figure" on the opposite shore of the river, grabbed his camcorder and started filming.

His sister confirmed that Clarke rarely goes anywhere without his small camcorder. Maybe that's because another Ferry Operator named Hubert Folster saw the same thing almost a year before Clarke. Folster didn't have a camera with him, but watched for six minutes as very tall and dark figure moved along the waterfront on the opposite shoreline. Folster says of his experience, "It just wasn't right." He doesn't know exactly what he saw, dislikes discussing the event and obviously has no desire to repeat the experience. The sighting left Folster feeling very uneasy and didn't do much for Clarke's peace of mind either.

After watching and filming the creature for almost three minutes, Clarke dropped his camera when the dark figure turned and faced him. He draws a bit of a blank at that point and says that the entire episode left him upset. Clarke's sister says he was unable to work for several days afterward and that things do not usually affect him in that way. Clark has seen large bears and all sorts of wildlife, but nothing like this and nothing that has ever upset him this much.

Another video of Bigfoot was filmed in Canada this year (2007) by a man who calls himself Doug Thomas from Peguis, Manitoba. He describes the event:

"This footage was captured in Peguis, Manitoba, Canada. My son and I were going out to cut some wood as we came over the ridge we could see something crossing the road by time my boy got the camera out it this is what we captured.

I guess I should make this clear first I'm not claiming that its "Bigfoot or Sasquatch, I just don't know? There really isn't much more that I can say about the footage, my boy and I were heading out to the gravel pits to cut some firewood. On the way over a ridge we could see something crossing the road on the next ridge probably about 400 yards away.

I slowed down and told my boy to grab my camcorder from the back seat. By the time he had it going what ever we saw had already walked across the road behind a mound of rocks.

What you see in the video is clearer then what I actually saw because we were so far away. The "creature" quickly disappeared into the woods and what we seen the video is the last we saw of it.

We stopped and shouted, "who's there?" with no response. I remember looking at the tracks but don't recall anything abnormal about them, it just looked like where someone had walked through the snow. I should have videoed the tracks but didn't even think of it at the time."

Whether Bigfoot is merely an undiscovered primate, physical vessel used by higher forces or a group of peace-loving creatures with a structured society, it's all but certain that they exist in the physical world at least some of the time. More importantly, they do so with or without our ability to believe in them.

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