Sunday, April 29, 2007

Emergence Personality Theory - What Are Needs? (What is Layer 7?)

In Emergence Personality Theory, there are ten nested fractal layers of personality, from Layer one on the outside to Layer 10 at the center. Layer Seven is called the Layer of Needs. How is the word "need" defined?

As defined in Layer Seven, the word "need" refers to the urges babies feel from birth onward whenever they feel needy. Moreover, all these urges fall into just four fractal patterns of nested subsets; [1] the Four Character Types, [2] the Four Social Priorities, [3] the Four Decision Trees, and [4] the Four Gender Identities.

The inner most Need subset then, Character Type, defines a person's default sense of whether to give or receive or both. The next Need subset, a person's Social Priorities, defines the basic sense of what a person feels urges to give or receive. The third Need subset, a person's Decision Tree Order, determines the basic way in which peoples' minds process these urges to give or receive their Social Priorities. And the outer most Need subset, a person's Gender Identity, determines the degree of force with which this person feels urges to express this giving or receiving.

Expressed as a single sentence then with all four possible needs stated, we all need to give (or get), comfort (or neatness, or understanding, or freedom), precisely (or correctly, or comprehensively, or bluntly), with great (or little) physical force (and / or psychological force, and / or social force, and / or sexual force).

How then does does a person's Character Type affect his or her nature? My answer? All people feel internal urges to give or get or both. The thing is, people feel these urges only when they are experience the need to compete with someone else for these needs, a state known as being in a mutual need state. In these situations, people feel anxious about that both they and someone else have what they sense to be mutually exclusive needs. Mainly time wise, but sometimes need wise.

This means, when only one person feels needy, the other may give regardless of their Character Type. And when two people are connected, there Character Types cease to exist as they do not feel needy.

This said, there are four basic Character Types and two ways in which to refer to each of these four basic types; [1] by the number year of life in which this pattern naturally occurs ( as in, year One, Two, Three, and Four), and [2] by the direction in which people feel urges to meet these needs, in other words, to whom they feel urges to give to (to "Me," to "You," to "Me then You," and to "You then Me.")

Know too that people experience their normal Character Type only when they are in normal state of conscious. Thus when they are in shock, peoples' Character Type "inverts." This means there are also four "Inverted" Character Types, and people feel these four states more forcefully, as in they feel these urges to give or get under duress.

How does this affect the four normal Character Types? Normally a Character Type "One"; a "Me," feels it right and certain that people should give to them. They simply expect others to defer to them. However, when life throws them a curve and their Character Type inverts, they feel urges to demand they be given to and will sometimes do things to force others to give to them.

Conversely, when a Character Type "Two"; a "You," feels normal neediness, they feel gentle urges to give to others. Imagine? When they feel needy, they feel urges to give to others. However, when they experience the inverted "You" state, they feel compelled to give to others and will force these gifts on people. Not too comfortable for the other person.

Threes and Fours then feel similar things, only the order in which they feel urges to give or get reverses. Thus a normal Character Type "Three"; a "Me then You," when inverted, feels compelled to first give to others followed by demanding that others reciprocate, while an inverted Character Type "four"; a "You then Me"; feels urges to demand others meet their needs followed by urges to force others to receive from them.

Finally, here are the basic points to know and remember about Character Types:

  • Character Type is the first difference in human personality. This difference contrasts markedly from the one sameness we humans all share; the Birth Separation Moment.
  • The essence of this first difference is whether you feel urges to meet your own needs or the needs of others. Thus there are two basic Character States; State One, urges to get (the "Me" State), and State Two, urges to give (the "You" State). These two states then sort out into the four Character Types. In other words, all four Character Types derive from some combination of one or both of these two Character States, the "Me" State and the "You" State.
  • By the latest age four, all people will have developed a fixed Character Type. In other words, by age four, all people will have has a permanent Character Type emerge in them, a default state of giving or receiving which will remain unchanged in them across their whole lifetime.
  • Despite this permanence however, some people will emerge from childhood stuck in an in between Character Type, and this amounts to being lost in transition between their real Character Type and the previous type. Thus some Three's can look like inverted fours. And some Two's can live as "Self Centered Two's"; a cross between One's and Two's. This can change across a person's lifetime and is mostly affected by personal growth.
  • People can experience their Character Types in two ways, in a normal state of consciousness and in various states of shock. In states of shock, peoples' Character Type inverts, similar to how kayaks sometimes invert in rough water and put their rider under water. The feeling of having an inverted Character Type is then similar to what kayak riders feel when their kayak inverts. Strong feelings of urgency and a reversed directional focus.
  • All people experience relationships in only one of two ways; [1] as a Parent - Child relationship and [2] as a Friend - Friend relationship. All Parent - Child relationships exist between people whose Character Type begins in opposite Character States. A "Me" with a "You" and so one. All Friend - Friend relationships exists between people whose Character Type begins in the same place; a Me" with a "Me" or a "You" with a "You."
  • All normal pairs of parents contain one parent who starts in a "Me" state, and one who starts in a "You" state. Thus, all children, during their first four years of life, potentially switch roles which their two parents. Thus, all babies begin life as "One's." Thus the "Me" state parent with bond best with the child at this age. Then, if and when this child moves into the second years of life state; "the You" state, the parent he feels friendship toward and the parent whom he feels parented by will reverse. In some cases then, these two parental roles, as the "parent" parent and the " friend" parent, can reverse several times.
  • Ultimately all children develop a relationship with one parent in a parental role and one in a friend role. This difference then is the source of many parenting difficulties. And confusion in children. Knowing this makes sense of why parent to parent compromises can be difficult.
  • In adulthood, all lasting sexual attraction will occur between people with Character Types beginning in opposite states. One person whose Character Type begins in a "Me" state and one person whose Character Type beings in a "You" state. This is the most primal version of the saying "opposites attract." This also explains why people can see someone they find someone who is "perfect in every way and yet, not feel sexually attracted to that person. In other words, if your Character Type starts in the same place, trying to fit together romantically will be like trying to fit a plug into a plug or a socket into a socket. It just can't be done.
  • This said, people who meet under strong duress, such as during wars and major catastrophes, may fall out of love when the dust settles. Or they may end up more friends than lovers. This can also happen to people who fall in love with someone whose childhood left them with an Inverted Character Type. Thus, if this person goes to therapy, the attraction and thus, the relationship may end.
  • This same dissolving of the relationship can happen to people in friend relationships. Thus, if a person experiences their teens with an unfinished Character Type, the friendships they make in high school may end soon afterwards. Sometimes in college when the person comes into her own. And sometimes after a crisis wherein she emerges more her own woman.
  • Finally, all these ideas hold true regardless of a person's sexual orientation. gay, straight, or bi, all these concepts play out in the same fractal patterns. Except when people are in Layers 10 or 9 (connected), or in Layer 8 (disconnecting), in which case, Character Types cease to exist.
[To read the rest of this article, click here]

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