Friday, May 25, 2007

An Encounter

I live away from home since I was working in the city. I stayed in a boardinghouse, just simple and ten minutes from my workplace. The place before was burned two years ago but now reconstructed. It was a two storey house, the boarders are situated in the upper storey made of wood and the owner stayed in the lower part made of concrete facade. It has seven rooms.

My room was located in the far right end just overlooking a terrace. My first stay was unusual. I sensed something strange. Usually at night, I could hear the tapping of shoes in the center aisle and the steps of footprints just near my door at the hallway and then vanished. Not only that, I could hear the scratching of the wall and even the roof.

I usually out from work at dawn around 3:00 o'clock. My beau was with me. As we were about to go upstairs, someone was following us behind our back, a filthy old woman carrying a basket. We moved fast, she moved hastily with a sad looking face intruding our place and went upstairs to the bathroom.

One Saturday night, I stayed in the boardinghouse to wash away my clothes. It was about past twelve midnight when I was finished. I was alone in the comfort room, as I opened the door, only to find out that old woman again standing right behind the door. My heart beat faster; I felt shocked and moved directly to the terrace to hang my clothes. That old woman was not there anymore so I went to the kitchen to brush my teeth. I felt strange in my back as if someone was watching me.

I heard someone is approaching, I could hear the footsteps in my back….my nerves was cracking. I could feel the coldness in my neck; I looked back but found nothing. I held a small mirror just to glance my teeth…only to see a strange face, ugly as it could be in the mirror behind my back. I shouted with all my might and leaved everything there without turning back. Running to my room and locked it immediately. I felt shocked and unable to sleep. That was my greatest nightmare of all, my encounter, unknowingly terrified. Was it a ghost? A witch? An intruder? This questions lies in my memory and wanting for answer.

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Overcoming Nerves at a Fencing Tournament

"I always get really nervous before a tournament. I'm concerned about fencing people I've never fenced before. What do I do?"

Think back to your last tournament. You were probably standing in the venue, looking around at all of the new faces. Remember when the pool was called, and you and the rest of the fencers in the pool are at the strip waiting for the referee to arrive? I can recall how I felt at that moment. My heart would be racing and my chest would feel tight.

Why did my body react this way? Emotional reactions can create physiological responses. A physical response to immediate stress is called flight-or-fight syndrome. The body anticipates an impending struggle and as a defense mechanism, it increases blood flow to vital organs to prepare for survival. The heart beats faster and adrenaline shoots through your arteries. You may get sweaty palms, butterflies in the stomach, rapid heartbeat, or the urgency to use the bathroom.

These responses that you get from facing a brand new opponent are a normal part of fencing. In practice, it's usually not upsetting if you lose to someone you've never fenced before. In competition, however, fencing a new opponent is extremely common and losing to them has much more of an impact than in practice. Fencing anyone requires plenty of adjustment, patience, and focus, while maintaining your sense of timing and distance.

New styles, funky forms, and changing tempos can create a range of emotional and physical reactions both before and during the bout. You may experience self-doubt and lack confidence in your abilities to adjust to a new fencer. Luckily, it is completely normal for anyone to feel this way, no matter how long you have been fencing. It is a way that your body is telling you that it is ready for battle. Being nervous isn't a sign of being a bad fencer; it's a way of saying that you care about the result of the bout.

Turn fencing someone new from an obstacle to a valuable challenge. Follow the C.P.T steps through your training, and you can face new competitors with greater ease.

  • Control what you can. Going to practice as often as you can, working as hard as you can, and staying physically fit are all things you can control. Focus on your game by fortifying your weaknesses and using your strengths. You can't control the rating of your opponent. You can challenge them by giving it your all.
  • Plan for the tournament by being prepared in every way that you can be. Work hard in practice by training with your coach and teammates. Fence various types of people, ranging from beginners to elite competitors. Know the terminology, rules, and equipment. Watch other fencers as they warm-up, or even fence them as your own warm-up, to get a feel for their style and experience level. Get enough sleep the night before and eat breakfast that morning. Stay hydrated. These are all things that will enable you to be ready for competition.
  • Trust yourself!! You have rigorously trained to compete. There is no more training you can do up to the start of the tournament. Competition is no place for perfecting new moves. This is the time to apply what you know. Trusting that you can perform the skills necessary to succeed no matter who you face is a big part of developing confidence and gaining success. Know that you are able to bounce back from mistakes, fight for every touch, and don't stop fencing until the referee says, "Halt!"
If you are nervous about fencing someone new at a tournament, remember that this is a natural part of fencing. It will happen again and again, so learning to deal with it in a constructive manner will be advantageous to your game.

Keep in mind the steps of C.P.T. and you will be ready to face anyone.

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Monday, May 21, 2007

Reasons of Juvenile Violence in United Kingdom

Juvenile violence in United Kingdom is caused with a huge number of sources from which children learn about violence. Level of family relations might drop down after having any problems in family, unsteady control and disregardness of raising antisocial behavior of a child. In cases of earlier displays of violence public places like educational institutions usually become places where teenagers find respect and recognition through cruelty. ¾ of mothers in United Kingdom have admitted that if any kind of violent acts had place in their families kids observed them. It is very difficult to avoid continuation of spread of violence once it has begun. Results of emotional, physical or sexual abuse grow with time into violent attitude and the risk of its manifestation in critical situations increases.

Let's analyze what are the major reasons of growing juvenile violence in Great Britain. There are many reasons because of which youth may exhibit violent behavior but nature of the main one lies in erroneous attitude of their parents. There is very little time left for their kids after all day is usually spent at work. The situation gets worse because of a violence in society and its influence on youth. Nowadays children spend the biggest part of a free time watching different television programs where pictures of violence have a big place. What is being watched by children is controlled only by half of parents in United Kingdom. With all that the majority of all programs display rude behavior in real life and only a quarter of them shows what are the results of violence. Two major factors that cause violence among children are parent neglect and violence in community though there are many other dangerous causes of teenage criminality.

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Friday, May 18, 2007

Atypical Teaching Strategies Using Mental Prompts for Individuals With Autism

This page is devoted to my personal opinions and strategies for working with a subgroup of individuals — primarily with severe regressive autism — who are nonverbal and demonstrate significant motor and sensory impairments. I've also found some of these strategies effective with those with some verbal capability who have difficulty accessing their words.

What do I do when I encounter a child with these enormous gifts and obvious challenges? I establish trust. I tell them that I know of their competence and that I am willing to serve. I view myself as a bridge to help them understand and utilize our communication system. At the same time, I acknowledge them as my teachers. Most importantly, I try to keep my own energy, calm, peaceful, yet assertive to insure they feel safe and protected, as they appear to be very sensitive to my energy.

When teaching, I attempt to set a dominant rhythm, encourage the kids to stop self-stimulatory behaviors, and deliberately send mental prompts. I do this to limit the focus of the child and keep him on track. I feel it improves the student's ability to categorize, organize and access information. If the child is facing me, I send the mental prompt in mirror image. This is especially true when I am using word cards. I also say the answer sub-vocally. I speculate that a type of entrainment of brain wave frequency is occurring during my interactions. There is a sense of trust established. The children do not react to things that might normally bother them, but rather just go with the flow. I speculate that it is easier to entrain brain wave frequency when the discrepancy is not too great. I believe these children are vibrating at a high frequency. I speculate that those they are able to initially join with are vibrating higher than normal also. After initial entrainment occurs, I attempt to lower my own frequency by becoming present or aware, in hopes that they will lower their own frequency to match mine. Over time, I have noticed that the individual can respond to individuals he normally would not relate to. I speculate that this method is at least partially responsible for increased receptive language skills.

To see if a connection has been made, I might show the child two picture or word cards and see if he will choose the one I ask for. This may be a child who had not shown any prior ability to read, or even negligible receptive language skills. If so, and the connection was successful, I think of the word card I want and speak it sub-vocally. When facing students, remember that I visualize in mirror image. When possible, I prefer working with students from behind so I am moving in unison with them.

This is also true when I engage a child in facilitated writing or drawing, as we are moving in tandem using a typical right to left progression. Unlike hand over hand, I hold the writing or drawing utensil in my hand and instruct the child to copy or draw a particular shape or letter. When working, I often start the child at the top and stop when a switch in direction is needed. I often also stop him at the bottom, as many of the children obviously have difficulty starting, switching and stopping movement. If a variety of individuals are working on assisted writing or drawing, I would suggest they all use the same top to bottom, left to right progression, unless a student signals a different precedent.

I always say the letter, shape, or object at the same time I'm sending the image and/or sub-vocalizing. If I am facing the child, images are sent in mirror image. I like to remove mental prompts as receptive language skills improve, explaining to the individual what I am trying to do and why. This is tricky in a group setting where the students' needs for prompts vary.

I find that giving the student a limited choice of possible responses and then slowly expanding the field gives him a vehicle to demonstrate his competence. It puts him on track and increases his ability to filter, organize and categorize information on its own. Stimulus response-type instruction seems to increases the fluidity as opposed to inactive listening.

In direct contrast to teaching typical children or verbal, concrete-thinking autistic children, I tend to work with individuals with this type of autism starting with the abstract, moving to the representational and then to the concrete. I meet them in areas of abstract thought (words). Once they appear to be able to read a word by selecting it from a field of choices, I would then have them select the word when the function was given. (i.e. what do you color with?) Next I might ask them "who/what/where/when/why" questions and again have them select the correct word card — not only to check comprehension but also to narrow their focus and hopefully help them form mental categories. For example, if I ask a "who" question, hopefully they begin to process that I am looking for a person. If I ask a "where" question, then I am looking for a place. "What" would signal an object. "What" are they doing would signal a verb. If a child has difficulty labeling, then I often start with actions, because there are less of them and their meaning is potent: i.e. eat, drink, play, jump.

The word needs to be linked with a picture and the picture (representational) with the object (concrete). It has been my experience that students are often able to pick out the word "glue" or the picture of a bottle of glue before they can pick out the actual glue bottle from a field of choices. I wonder if this, too, can be explained by vibration frequency and/or image consistency. Does a two-dimensional image of the word "glue" vibrate at a higher frequency than its three-dimensional counterpart? Does the student perceive three-dimensional objects as we do? Is it possible that a three-dimensional object vibrates so slowly that it is not being perceived in the same way by sender and receiver? Or is it simply that actual objects vary so much in terms of attributes?

Words are constant, as are many communication pictures used in the classroom. Whatever the reason when teaching, I believe the individual should be encouraged to demonstrate concrete correlation and awareness. Integration, correlation, transfer, and backward chaining of underlying skills needs to occur. Although the lights (abstract) are on in the attic, the foundation (concrete) is often very weak. In contrast, when I am joining for them to give me information and increase my level of awareness of the spiritual side of life, I just let it flow, as they are the ones teaching me. I believe the two can coexist if everyone would be honest with the student, the parent, and the community.

I facilitate gross and fine motor movements in all areas and slowly remove prompts, using backward chaining — whether it be buttoning, tying a shoe, throwing a basketball, cutting food, selecting a correct response, drawing, writing or typing.

I am open and aware of the influence I can have over their communications. Either intentionally or not, I supplement this form of communication with PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System). PECS encourages spontaneity and is less dependent on a connection with me. PECS also serves as a preliminary step to augmentative communication devices and programs. Adept students do not need their partner to be within certain proximity to use it. However, PECS restricts the student's higher-level communications and astounding demonstrations of intelligence or access to it.

Often when using PECS, I have the child type the word on the picture and hand me the communication device. Once they have demonstrated that they understand that the word, picture and object are the same thing, I let them type their request on a voice output communication device. If they are not using a voice output device, I have them hand me the communicator. At this point, they may also switch to augmentative communication programs such as speaking dynamically. I have worked with a few who demonstrate this level of independent competence; with no agent present, they demonstrate similar language deficits as moderately functioning verbal individuals with autism. Though these particular students were nonverbal and had significant motor impairments, they appeared to have less difficulty initiating.

It has been said that individuals with autism use one sensory channel at a time. It has also been said that there is a delay between visual and auditory processing. I would like to add that I have noticed that some individuals demonstrate disconnected sensory channels. Often they will lose their accuracy in selecting a correct response if they have to get up and move. Giving a visual prompt, picture, sign or gesture usually remedies the problem, but it does not explain the break. Is it going from listening to moving that cause the thought disruption? Or is it because they have lost their connection with me?

Of course, then there was the nonverbal student who never looked at the table to scan the array of answers — not even a quick peripheral glance, yet, his selection of responses was invariably correct! It appeared as if he were seeing and controlling his body from outside himself.

Some of my more severely affected students were not be able to match an object presented visually with an object they could touch but not see. For example, I put a crayon, bottle of glue, scissors and a ball in a bag. Then I showed a student a crayon and asked him to reach in the bag and find the same. He appeared unable to do it. I then put one of the objects in his hand, and he had no difficulty reaching in the bag to find the same object. He was successful at tactile to tactile, but not visual to tactile. Other students who showed the same difficulty eventually picked it up with practice, but he continued to have difficulty.

When students are engaged in self-stimulation, such as hand flapping, I encourage them to stop when we are in the process of direct instruction and/or joining, because it appears to interfere with our connection. Tapping the child alternately on the right and left side of the body to establish a rhythm seems to calm the student down and cut down on his need to self-stimulate. When not involved in direct instruction, I let them re-engage in self-stimulatory activities if they are not dangerous. I attempt to replace dangerous ones rather than fade them.

Many of the children appear to lack an internal rhythm. I would suggest that parents keep babies and young children very close to them so the child can feel the heartbeat and rhythm of the mother. I have noticed that by alternately tapping the right and left hand, shoulder, or arm calms the kids down and lessens self- stimulatory behavior, as many appear to be used to provide self regulation or rhythm. I might also have them listen to ocean waves to help attune them them to the rhythm of the earth. As they matured, I would encourage them to participate in group meditation, holding hands with calm individuals with even breathing. Listening to binaural beats, and musical entrainment CD's, new age music, and nature sounds all seem to have a positive effect.

I allow ample time for spinning, swinging or jumping on a trampoline and have found that saturation lessens the need for vestibular input over time. Many of my students liked rhythmic pressure to the sides or front and back of their heads. It has been particularly helpful for students who are self-abusive, anxious, or exhibit auditory defensiveness. I believe that brushing, deep-pressure, massage, joint compressions, meditation, reiki and reflexology all have their place in helping the child feel more comfortable in his body.

To summarize:


1) Open your heart and join. Keep your emotions and energy calm, open, and loving.

Truly love them and feel blessed in their company.

2) Approach with respect. Assume competency. Acknowledge intelligence.

3) Make sure they are comfortable. Be aware of internal and external sensory irritants

and attempt to alleviate them. (lights, sounds, smells, erratic interfering thoughts)

4) Provide positive sensory experiences. (deep pressure, massage, spinning, swinging)

5) Realize that many self-stimulatory behaviors and movements are used to get their bodies, sensory systems,

and brains to function. Help them establish an internal rhythm.

6) Understand and organized body leads to an organized mind. learning appropriate and varied

movement patterns enhances all areas of function.

7) Let those who chose to use you as a tool. It is often a step along the way.

8) Understand some individuals with severe autism benefit from an agent with a strong rhythm to

maintain their attention and override other interfering stimuli. Use this strong rhythm to deter

interfering self -stimulatory behavior during direct instruction.

9) Accept the fact that a form of telepathy or joined or entangled energy is occurring.

10) Empower them! Promote independence with dignity! Accept the unexpected!


1) Meet each child at his level.

2) Provide visual strategies, motoring, and mental prompts as needed to insure errorless

teaching. Remove as needed using backward chaining techniques.

3) Teach through out the day. Include children in all conversations. Provide slow relaxed visual and

auditory input throughout all activities.

4) Narrow focus. Start with a field of two and broaden.

5) Use sentence closure techniques for non verbal or those with limited verbal capability.

6) Teach categories to help them develop an internal filing cabinet that limits choices.

7) Provide motivating activities specific to each child to increase initiations.

8) Make sure the child correlates the abstract (word, sign) representational (picture) concrete (object).

Remember, With severe students with a propensity toward hyperlexia and or telepathic prompts the word

may be learned first.

9) Teach simple understanding of parts of speech by having the children answer simple "wh" questions about a

sentence in hopes of internally limiting possible responses, thus promoting easier access.

10) Repetition is key, particularly if movement is involved. Yet, be willing to move on if the children indicate

the need.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Psychoanalytic Theory as a Background for Therapy

Psychoanalytic is a wide conception which shows what changes are happening in human's brain when it is functioning. This theory has several underlying presumptions.

On the one hand, our brain needs some energy that is used to stimulate it for psychological activity such as memorizing, designing and emotional work. Eros and thanatos are the main channels of this energy. Eros is the one which is based on original instincts of a human – instinct to survive and to transmit genes into future generations and thanatos refers to death instinct. Brain activity has a certain amount of energy and it is used in a proper way when there is a concentration on fears.

On the other hand whatever work is happening in our mind is for some definite reason. All the disparities between our mind and our behavior can be easily resolved with concepts of psychoanalytic. People have natural instincts and sometimes they contradict our social values.

The third thing is that the structure of our mind is very complex. It can be described as a principal of building a house with three main parts: unconscious, pre-conscious and the main one which is hidden like a foundation – conscious one. Speaking about the structure of human's brain we can divide it into three basic parts which are Id, Ego and Superego. Id is an unreasonable mind, Ego is a wise part and Superego is an ethic part. The personality of a person is defined with his possibility to find a compromise between these three parts. An influence on a person is the strongest when his mind is not strong yet like in childhood that's why the first stages of forming the mind should be controlled the most. An influence of unconscious part on a wise part of it is displayed in dreams. Unwise energy has an influence on our actions even though it is usually not noticed. Analyzing these facts we can state that energy that is produced in human mind during negative events can be used very effectively to solve conflicts between three parts of our mind.

The last concept is that every human mind has its own mechanisms of defense which are used in critical situations to save psychology from any damage. It is possible to explain unreasonable and unpredictable behaviors of a person in such situations by some inner conflicts.

This psychoanalytic theory of human mind was an innovation in traditional psychology. To use the major principles a person needs to realize that they are not parts of a personality theory. But it was created to provide some help to resolve problems in human mind and to help providing therapy.

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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Is Too Much Information Negatively Affecting your Intuition?

Many people are so overwhelmed by the modern information flows that it negatively affects their ability to think. Quite a few psychologists agree with this statement. Of course one can always over come the negative by how the information is taken in or if it is chosen to be committed to memory. Also, if information is power, as is often said too. Then more information is a good thing.

Just because you have too much information does not mean you have to "choose" to be over burdened by endless details, if you are overwhelmed with information you can never decide to do anything, too busy analyzing everything to death rather than using intuition. But if you have the information and fast processing and rely on intuition, also then you can come to decisions much faster and better.

Thus you can kill 1000 birds with one high-powered rifle by lining up the ducks in advance. Basically a chess champion thinking beyond 13 moves and taking his experiences, observations, knowledge and intuition to make the best guess. (non-linear thought). In my professional opinion, of course the psychologists warn us to be balanced and relax more - keep it simple if you will. A helpful psychologist might say - are you happy being bombarded with information?

I say to them: Yes, it is pleasing. But by switching to diverse subjects one can balance out the thinking. I never turn my brain off. I never do drugs, I don't drink. I solve problems when I sleep and wake up with the answer. Why not? If you want to be the best athlete you must train, condition, develop reflexes, watch what you eat, focus, etc. I see the mental issue the same. The brain is like a muscle, use it or lose it.

Indeed such a statement is intriguing to psychologists or so they say - such thinking like this fascinates them. That is fine, but they need to understand that the brain is a device used to process. It is "YOU" who asks the questions and chooses "WHAT" to think, who cares what device is used. Be efficient, keep it simple, do what works. If the organic brain works better for some things, then by all means use it, it is a fabulous device. But on the other hand if you can augment that with the use of a Texas Instrument Scientific Calculator, heck do it.

If you can be wired with a "Brain Port" to a Super Computer the size of a dime, well now we are talking. I can then reach my goal of solving all the World's problems and challenges. And luckily humans do so many stupid and linear things, that there will always be lots to do? Too heavy a subject for you, that is fine, turn off your brain and turn off your mind.

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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Download Your Brain and Save the Information After Physical Death of Body

Each generation humans lose the hard earned knowledge of their predecessors and thus are doomed to repeat much of the same lessons over and over again. About the time they learn it all their lives are over and it starts all over again with the next generation. What if we could download your brain and save the information and keep it after your death?

Such technology has vast applications. Some fear it would be used to download to a clone after their brains were completely wiped clean. Of course we know human life is not for sale and the ethical implications of this are also known to be problematic at best.

Is it Possible to download and preserve the information in a human brain?

Brain Downloading could be done using Artificial Intelligent Software and 3D neural network firing tracking in a virtual 3D grid using a mind-mapping strategy and fMRI scans. Once the map was completed and routinely updated specific memories based on firing sequences could be captured.

Once this is done the individual with their specific mind map could have these memories, events downloaded into 1's and Zero's until they were re-imprinted thru visual input in a Virtual or Augmented reality chamber using Holographic Projection, Spectral Imaging, and frequency waves to relive the experiences.

These experiences could also be sold as "Experience Recordings" online to others to play in their virtual reality chambers. I speak to the buying and trading of experiences in these two eBooks attached, in specific chapter sub-headings.

My thoughts are if a couple were married 50 years and one dies the other could join them in the brain of the one surviving. Also this technology could be used for Scientists to get into the minds of people like Einstein and thus the knowledge is not lost. Alzheimer patients might download their brains prior to things getting too bad and then if cured later then can have their minds back.

We could erase horrible memories of soldiers for PTS and such as well, download, erase and replenish. Can you see the many killer applications of this technology? Perhaps we ought to make it so. What say you?

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Monday, May 07, 2007

Conspiracies Theory - Mind Altering Drugs, Telepathic Powers, Government Agencies Recruiting Spies

Some way out conspiracy theorists believe that there are government agencies recruiting certain individuals who have a genetic displacement which allows them to see glimpses of the future or enables them to do remote viewing. There have been many way out stories and conspiracy theorist books written on individuals with telepathic powers working for the United States government.

If they are that is a good thing and I'm glad they're working on our team rather than someone else's. Is this conspiracy theory real? Does the government recruit kids by giving them mind altering drugs to help them harness their telepathic powers to recruit them as spies? Is this storyline any good? Sure that is a good one. Here is why. Some people's brains run at faster RPMs. and if a kid had used a methanphetine (Sp?) then their brain waves might jump to 60-80 Hz and who knows what that might do?

Someone talking on a cell phone for an hour might have heated up their brains and caused rogue brain waves able to catch a glimpse of something else. Remember energy and electrical waves are everywhere, so all you would have to do is ride one to another, to another and read it.

If photons can store images and the brain works on light and the nerves of the body work on sound vibrations and the bio-system has various waves, then sure a mind altering drug could do something that would allow some sort of possibilities. Vanimer Bush and others had done studies in the 70's with these sorts of things. And we all know the story about Shaman theories and their miraculous abilities.

Since most of this is bathed in science-fiction fantasy and conspiracy theory probably there is nothing more to it than that, although many people want to believe it is all true? What do you believe? Is this all just more twilight zone episode's gone mad?

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Saturday, May 05, 2007

Dr Michael Wolf and The Gateway Treatment To Summon Aliens

It's impossible to define or even try and explain the late Dr. Michael Wolf. I knew this less than five minutes after I first spoke with him on the phone almost twenty years ago. If I had to define Wolf in one statement, I would say that he was one of the most well-connected U.S. Government Insiders that I ever met.

My association with Wolf began after my friend and fellow paranormal researcher, Dick Criswell, told me about him and offered an introduction by phone in the late 1980s. Although I was initially skeptical of Wolf's claims regarding UFOs and his government insider status, those concerns vanished after our first conversation. I found him to be intelligent, knowledgeable and easily able to answer most any question that I threw his way.

If anything about Wolf frustrated me, it was trying to understand exactly what he did for the government. As the son of a retired Air Force Officer, I knew people that worked on the shady side of the government tree. These weren't black-ops types, but Something Else. Wolf easily qualified as Something Else. Trying to decode who he was and what he did for the government is like trying to explain the modern British Monarchy to someone who hasn't studied English History. It's there and it works, but no one knows how or why.

Michael Wolf had the ability to put you at ease. A phone conversation with him was always enjoyable and never boring. After a number long distance calls, I resigned myself to the fact that obtaining and understanding the information he offered was far more important than understanding him or where his information came from. That was something that tended to stop most UFO Researchers right in their tracks if they had a chance to speak with him. I wasn't going to let it stop me. As long as I could find other ways to verify his information, I wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

My biggest concern as a was passing on disinformation to the public. There were enough alleged UFO Researchers out there doing that already. With Wolf's permission, I recorded our calls and carefully dissected everything he told me as time permitted. Not being one for small talk, Wolf tended to compress what he said and present volumes of information every time we spoke. One of the most interesting things he told me about was JFK's UFO Sighting.

Wolf's late wife, Sara, was related to the Kennedy's. As a result, the couple occasionally stayed at the Kennedy Compound which covered six acres of waterfront property along Nantucket Sound in Massachusetts. During one of these visits, JFK and others on his boat (including Mrs. Wolf) saw a classic disc-shaped UFO which threw his Secret Service detail into a tizzy. Michael was in bed at the time with a cold or the flu. Although Kennedy asked his guests not to talk about the incident, Sara told Wolf about it as soon as she got back to the house.

I was told the Kennedy UFO story in the early 1990s. Knowing it wouldn't be easy to verify, I contacted a family friend. Her name is Beth Monahan. Beth and I attended the same School from Kindergarten to 6th Grade. Her parents and mine were close friends and we lived just a few blocks from each other in those days. We've stayed in touch over the years and she has proved to be an invaluable source of information when it comes to matters involving the Government.

Beth is an expert researcher on almost any subject, but her specialty is getting the goods on things that happen inside the U.S. Government. When it came to obtaining information about the Kennedy UFO Sighting, I really lucked out. Beth actually worked for Pierre Salinger, the former Kennedy White House Press Secretary, a few times over the years. I asked her if she might provide me with a way to contact him. I didn't want to place her in the delicate position of asking about the Kennedy UFO sighting.

Beth managed a mailing address for Salinger, so I wrote him a short, but very specific letter asking about the JFK UFO incident. Sometime later I received a reply which surprised me. Salinger wrote back and said that he was aware of the story, but had never actually had time to discuss it with the late President before he was assassinated. It was a polite way of saying he knew about it, but had no way to verify it. Plausible denial at its best!

Salinger indicated that even if it were true, that wasn't the kind of information that would have been made public if Kennedy had lived to serve out his term. He concluded by asking me how I knew Dr Wolf. I wrote back, answered his question and wondered if he knew anyone within the Kennedy Family that had personally discussed the sighting with JFK or had any knowledge about it. I received a polite, but very brief reply indicating that he had no more information about the matter in question and would not be able to obtain any. He suggested I go back to Wolf if I wanted more information. That situation, alone, easily represents the enigma that is Dr Michael Wolf.

As part of his work with the Government, Dr. Wolf pioneered an amazing mental technique known as THE GATEWAY TREATMENT. This technique had two purposes:

1. In Wolf's own words: "It opens up the brain. Gateway is a way to stimulate the neurons allowing billions of synapses to form and, therefore, allows the person that masters it to have use of a vastly increased mind."

2. To telepathically communicate with and summon positive Alien Entities.

As a person who prefers proof to proxy, I can say that listening to Wolf teach the gateway Treatment is one of the most amazing things that I have ever experienced. Not only does he teach it well and make it a snap to learn, but the difference in your ability to think, remember things and process information is almost instant.

Thanks to Dick Criswell, we have a perfect copy of Dr Wolf's Gateway Method on Audio CD. Prior to his death, this was a method reserved for a few very close and trusted friends and government insiders that used it with special permission. If you listen to Wolf teaching Gateway, you will quickly understand why. Visit for more about Dr Michael Wolf and the Gateway Treatment. Gateway is now available on two audio CDs which can be ordered online.

Dr Wolf worked with the late Carl Sagan, served as a Scientific Consultant to Presidents, was a member of the Satellite Government, helped develop Zero Point Energy, served in the Air Force and was a member of the Alphacom Team. This was the amazing life of the late Dr Michael Wolf who continues to inspire, inform and teach us.

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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Overcoming Dyslexia - One of the Most Common Learning Disabilities

Research studies suggest that as large as 9 per cent of school aged children in the United States alone are suffering from Dyslexia. Some researchers have suggested even 17 per cent. It is understood that problem could be much larger in Europe and non-European countries. It is reported that in countries like the US, Canada, New Zealand and UK, there is lack of proper support and interest in learning disabilities of children in public schools. And in most of the countries, children are struggling with phonics and developmental disorders.

Dyslexia is a neurological or brain based condition. With this condition, there is supposed to be poor communication between the left and right brain hemispheres. It is a specific learning disability whereby elementary school children have reading, writing and spelling difficulties.

The word "Dyslexia" is composed of two Greek words – "Dys" meaning impaired and "lexis" meaning word. Children suffering from dyslexia are called dyslexic or dyslectic.
A dyslexia child is not able to develop reading and writing skills despite normal teaching and sociological environment. Dyslexia is supposed to be both genetic and hereditary.

It is generally believed that dyslectic children are not in any way less intelligent or suffering from sensory problems like poor eyesight, though in some cases they have poor vision also. They could be having all the intellectual and physical abilities, but still be dyslectic. They are motivated, but they are not able to develop enough reading and writing skills as their other classmates.

Though dyslexia affects primarily reading and writing skills, they are also reported to be having speaking and other non-language difficulties. Boys are supposed to be more dyslectic than girls. Dyslexia can range from mild to severe conditions. Some experts are of the view that the term dyslexia should be applied more to children with acute learning problems of about 5 per cent of all dyslectic cases, and "Reading Disorder" or "Reading Disability" should generally be applied to most of the other cases.

While understanding dyslexia, it may, however, be noted that poor reading skills are not solely because of dyslexia. These could also be the result of poor teaching methods.

Dyslexia Symptoms

Dyslectic children can be spotted early. While still in their First, Second or Third grades, they may demonstrate speaking difficulties and mixed up sounds and pronunciations. They may not speak letters like R's, L's, M's or N's properly. In short they lack in speech. They may wrongly pronounce words like "red and green" as "wed and green" and the like. They could also be having listening problems.

It is but natural that children with speech and hearing problems can latter be having reading problems as well. They will be lacking awareness regarding smallest units in spoken language or phonetic awareness.

The existence or non-existence of dyslexia is determined by a qualified professional like a neurologist or an educational psychologist by following a proper dyslexia test. The evaluation is designed to test reading, writing, spelling and language skills. In addition, memory, intelligence, hearing and vision tests may also be conducted. Generally, dyslectic children are characterized with the following:

•Reading, writing and spelling deficiencies as compared to their peers, in spite of having normal intelligence and oral language. In some cases, there could also be oral language and talking difficulties:

•Despite having average, above average or excellent intelligence, they will fall short of academic achievement in areas like pronunciation, vocabulary, alphabets, concepts, poor handwriting etc. They may not be able to differentiate between letters and symbols:

•They could be having behavioral problems and can be lazy, dumb, careless, withdrawing, non-participative, non-caring and simply naïve:

•Dialectics can easily feel frustrated, angry, emotional and repulsive in the face of school or household chores:

•They may suffer from inferiority complex and will be lacking self-esteem. This may lead them to underachieve in academics and in society at large.

•They will try to indulge in other activities like sports, music, art, drama, machines, sales, business, community work etc. in order to hide their poor reading abilities. But all the time, they carry a negative image of their academics:

•They may be inattentive in schools, absentminded, lost, and incoherent and out of line with school curriculum in general. They may also indulge in anti social behavior. Reading and comprehension tests in schools may also cause problems. These problems can occur more because of visual impairment and

•They fail to follow directions.

Dyslexia Treatment

It is generally believed that there is no ultimate and permanent cure for dyslexia. Since their skills are vastly different than the majority of children, the primary responsibility for correcting their learning deficiencies rests on them. They have to apply themselves though conditions will have to be created for facilitating their tasks. They have to learn appropriate learning strategies.

Dyslexia can be considerably tackled with proper therapy, training and equipment. If dialectic disabilities are not tackled properly by age 12, those children may never obtain a positive self-image. They may completely drop out of school. Therefore, it is important that dyslectic conditions are recognized and addressed to at a very early childhood age.

Educational one to one tutoring is considered to be the most effective treatment for dyslexia. Here the stress should be on building phonetic decoding skills. This often involves breaking words into their basic sounds and rearranging these sounds to produce different words. This can improve their reading decoding skills.

Another treatment can be through molding tutorial lessons appropriately by developing modules and other software. In fact, there are lot of aids and software available in the market for correcting dyslectic conditions.

It is suggested that musical training can also aid in remedying dyslexia.

Though in severe cases of disruptive behavior from dyslectic children, medication is prescribed, it is the dyslectic or learning disabilities that need to be tackled in the first instance.

Following measures can also be undertaken in addition to the above:

•It should be tackled jointly by parents, teachers and experts:

•Experiences in different countries and schools should to be shared:

•It is extremely important that a dyslexia child is closely associated and his cooperation sufficiently obtained:

•Dialectics need a lot of psychological attention, understanding and guidance:

•Proper attention has to be paid to teaching, to make it structured, cumulative and systematic: and

•Extra reading will also help a child to fight dyslexia.

Many charitable organizations around the world have also come forward to lend support in tackling dyslexia by funding, training and equipment.

Lot of research has been done internationally on the subject. International Dyslexia Association has also been in the forefront of dyslexia treatment.

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