Sunday, May 13, 2007

Is Too Much Information Negatively Affecting your Intuition?

Many people are so overwhelmed by the modern information flows that it negatively affects their ability to think. Quite a few psychologists agree with this statement. Of course one can always over come the negative by how the information is taken in or if it is chosen to be committed to memory. Also, if information is power, as is often said too. Then more information is a good thing.

Just because you have too much information does not mean you have to "choose" to be over burdened by endless details, if you are overwhelmed with information you can never decide to do anything, too busy analyzing everything to death rather than using intuition. But if you have the information and fast processing and rely on intuition, also then you can come to decisions much faster and better.

Thus you can kill 1000 birds with one high-powered rifle by lining up the ducks in advance. Basically a chess champion thinking beyond 13 moves and taking his experiences, observations, knowledge and intuition to make the best guess. (non-linear thought). In my professional opinion, of course the psychologists warn us to be balanced and relax more - keep it simple if you will. A helpful psychologist might say - are you happy being bombarded with information?

I say to them: Yes, it is pleasing. But by switching to diverse subjects one can balance out the thinking. I never turn my brain off. I never do drugs, I don't drink. I solve problems when I sleep and wake up with the answer. Why not? If you want to be the best athlete you must train, condition, develop reflexes, watch what you eat, focus, etc. I see the mental issue the same. The brain is like a muscle, use it or lose it.

Indeed such a statement is intriguing to psychologists or so they say - such thinking like this fascinates them. That is fine, but they need to understand that the brain is a device used to process. It is "YOU" who asks the questions and chooses "WHAT" to think, who cares what device is used. Be efficient, keep it simple, do what works. If the organic brain works better for some things, then by all means use it, it is a fabulous device. But on the other hand if you can augment that with the use of a Texas Instrument Scientific Calculator, heck do it.

If you can be wired with a "Brain Port" to a Super Computer the size of a dime, well now we are talking. I can then reach my goal of solving all the World's problems and challenges. And luckily humans do so many stupid and linear things, that there will always be lots to do? Too heavy a subject for you, that is fine, turn off your brain and turn off your mind.

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