What Make You - Well You
How did Ted Kacyzynsk become Ted Kacyaynsk, how did Alice Walker become Alice Walker and how did you become you. Ted became well known as the convicted unibomber and Alice won the Pulitzer prize for writing her book The Color Purple. Ted graduated from high school at the age of 16 he was a loner, with no social interactions. Alice spent most of her days fighting racism and after a tragic accident that left her blind she went on to be a great essayist and a poet. So how much of an impact does our childhood and daily encounters help form what we will become in the future.
Growth and and aging, that starts at time of conception and continues throughout our life is know as development. Development is looked upon as happening in two different ways. First development, starting at conception and continuing throughout life is known as life span approach. A more traditional approach is thought to start at conception and continue only through adolescent. Development is studied from time of conception throughout the life span. The average life span based on the oldest documented age is 122.
There are many aspects in the life span approach of development. Development is said to continue throughout life and change can occur at any point in life. In this thought no age period dominates development. Development is also thought to involve many components such as intelegance, biological and cognitive. Within these dimensions and components some are strengthened and some become weaker. Throughout development these dimensions are thought to have the ability to change and development involves change. Development is a wide study that includes many disciplines. Psychologists, Sociologist, Neuroscientist along with medical researchers all share a interest in unlocking the mysteries of development throughout the life span. Development states that individuals are constantly changing in a world that is also changing. Lastly, it is though that development involves growth, maintenance and regulation.
Although development is a huge subject that is studied widely, many things are explained with this study. In this study we can understand change and see the impact it has on us as individuals. Many things can be explained, such as how parenting styles, differences in children and how education has changed. Education continues to change to fit the needs of our children. Health care is another area that changes frequently and we must adapt to those changes throughout our life.
The study of development is a very interesting subject to explore and I will use it through out my nursing career as well as other aspects in my life.
Labels: college, course, development, family, learn, online, stages
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